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Release Notes | 20.59.0

Available June 2, 2023

Updated over a week ago


This release includes:

  1. Migration of certain Crystal Reports to Webi in ETO Results

  2. Renaming of several pages in the Navigation bar

  3. Deprecation of several legacy pages:

    1. CriminalRecords, DrugRecords, Education, Password Assessment, Census/Neighborhoods, and Contacts


PUR-1856 - Fix for standard Touch Point settings showing older and incorrect entries

Previously some customers were seeing the most older entries in their reporting for TouchPoints. Now users will see the most recent value.

PUR-1870 - Fix for Answer as Attachment in reporting

Previously some customers were seeing Answer as Attachments on every question in unflattened queries, instead of just on Answer as Attachment questions. Now, users will see the Answer on Attachments only for the correct question type.

PUR-4018 - Fix for the Created Date incorrectly displaying the Last Audit Date

Previously in standard universes some customers were seeing the last time a record was changed (“Audit Date”) instead of the “Created On” date. Now the Created Date field correctly shows the “Created On” value.

PUR-4344- Fix for referrals not showing in reports for NULL reasons for dismissal

Previously some customers were missing referral data in reports if there wasn’t a reason for dismissal entered. Now users see referral data in their reports regardless of whether or not there is a dismissal recorded.

Functionality Updates:

Crystal Reports now available in Webi!

To enhance your reporting experience, the following Crystal reports have now been migrated to Webi; increasing the number of standard reports available. Using Webi will offer users a friendlier interface, better access to data, and more flexible reporting options.

  • Participant Face Sheet

  • Participant Profile

  • Participant List for ReplaceBySessionName

  • Prints a Blank Intake form (Demographics and Custom Demographics)

  • Program Box Score Report

  • Family & Family Efforts Report

  • Participant List by Program for ReplaceBySessionName

As of this release, the Crystal reports listed above will no longer be available to run in Crystal and their current links will direct you to the active Webi reports. All historic information will remain.

The new versions of these reports can be found in View Reports:

The Participant Face Sheet and Participant Profile Reports are located under Individual Participant Reports.

The Participant List for ReplaceBySessionName and Participant List by Program for ReplaceBySessionName are now combined and called the Participant List located under Enrollment & Dismissal Reports.

The Program Box Score Report is located under the Management Reports and called Box Score.

The Family & Family Efforts Report is located under Participant Efforts reports and called Review Family Efforts.

Navigation Bar Updates

To better reflect today’s ETO, we have renamed several pages in the Navigation bar to streamline your experience. All “(NEW)” verbiage was removed, and appropriate pages were marked Legacy

Example screenshot of the changes with our new look on the left and old look on the right

Please note, all navigation links with custom names will remain unchanged.

Below is a comprehensive list of renaming with old names listed left of new names.

In Participant History:

Previous Name

New Name

Review Participant Efforts (NEW)

Review Participant Efforts

Review Participant Efforts

Review Participant Efforts (Legacy)

Review Participant Workflow (NEW)

Review Participant Workflow

In Entities:

Previous Name

New Name

Find Entity (NEW)

Find New Entity

Add New Entity (NEW)

Add New Entity

Add New Entity

Add New Entity (Legacy)

View/Edit Entity (NEW)

View/Edit Entity

View/Edit Entity

View/Edit Entity (Legacy)

Enroll Entity (NEW)

Enroll Entity

Enroll Entity

Enroll Entity (Legacy)

Dismiss Entity (NEW)

Dismiss Entity

Review Entity Efforts (NEW)

Review Entity Efforts

Review Entity Efforts

Review Entity Efforts (Legacy)

In Reports:

Previous Name

New Name

View Reports (New)

View Reports

View Reports

View Reports (Legacy)

In Program Administration:

Previous Name

New Name

Review Staff Efforts (NEW)

Review Staff Efforts

Review Staff Efforts

Review Staff Efforts (Legacy)

In Site Administration:

Previous Name

New Name

Manage Attributes (NEW)

Manage Attributes

Manage My Site (NEW)

Manage My Site

Manage Reports (NEW)

Manage Reports

Manage Reports

Manage Reports (Legacy)

Manage Review Efforts Templates (NEW)

Manage Review Efforts Templates

Deprecation of Legacy pages

As of this release, the legacy features listed below will no longer be available to users. All historic data will still be available for reporting purposes in the database, but there will be no access to the listed pages in ETO. If these are a feature your organization is still looking to use, we recommend setting up similar functionality in Assessments or TouchPoints within ETO.

  • Criminal Records

  • Drug Records

  • Education

  • Password Assessment

  • Census/Neighborhoods

  • Contacts (legacy)

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