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Release Notes | 20.60.0

Available 6/23/23

Updated over a year ago


This release includes a high priority defect fix for ETO Entities and the migration of several Crystal reports to Webi, increasing the available standard reports in ETO Results.


ETOC-11306 - Entity: Date Attributes Assigned to Entity Type Show by Default. Previously, specific Custom Entity Attributes that were assigned to Entity types were showing on the Add New Entity screen when the entity type was not selected. Now, the date and non-exclusive list custom entity attributes assigned to a specific entity type should only show when that entity type has been selected on the Add Entity new screen.

Report Updates:

In Crystal (Legacy) Reporting we’ve deprecated the following reports:

  1. Birthday List

  2. Family Face Sheet

  3. Enrollments per Day/Week/Month

You can now access the same functionality in the following reports added to ETO Results as Webi reports:

  1. Birthday List under Management Reports

  2. New Dismissals Year/Month/Day under Enrollment & Dismissal Reports

  3. New Enrollments Year/Month/Day under Enrollment & Dismissal Reports

  4. Standard All Family & Members Report under Family Reports

  5. Standard Demographics for Active Participants under Enrollment & Dismissal Reports

  6. Standard Demographics for Dismissed Participants under Enrollment & Dismissal Reports

All of these reports are available on the View Reports page.

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