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ETO Results | Hyperlink to Edit Sub Form TouchPoint Response (Flattened Data)
ETO Results | Hyperlink to Edit Sub Form TouchPoint Response (Flattened Data)

BO 4.3 Platform

Updated over a week ago

To create a hyperlink in a report to edit a TouchPoint response that is a subform, you will need the following Objects in your Query:

From the Identity Folder

Participant Site Identifier

Subject Unique Identifier


  • First Name Detail

  • Last Name Detail

From the Flattened TouchPoint Folder of the Subform

Response ID_xx
Parent Form Response ID_xx
Date Taken_xx

In this example, the subform is called "Tutoring - Subform (Form ID 1283).

Once you have these Objects in the Results Objects, run the query.

You can include any other Objects you need, but you will need these Objects in the Formula used to create the hyperlink to edit the TouchPoint response.

Now that you have the Objects you need, create a Variable using the following Formula:

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Parent Form Response ID_1283];"#")+"%26DashboardFlag%3d2%26FormID%3d1283%26ActorID%3dC"+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#") +"%26ClientName%3d"+[Last Name]+"%252c%2b"+[First Name]+"&FormID=1283&DashboardType=F&DashboardFlag=2&ResponseID="+ FormatNumber( [Response ID_1283];"#")+"&SubjectID=" +FormatNumber([Subject Unique Identifier];"#")+"&CLID=" +FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#") + "&ParentResponseID=" +FormatNumber([Parent Form Response ID_1283];"#") +"&ParentFormID=1282"+"\" target=\"_blank\">"+[Date Taken_1283]+"</a>"

The Objects in [brackets] are the Objects you pulled into the Query. Populate the Formula with the Objects you're using.

The numbers in BOLD are hardwired into the Formula and will need to be updated to reflect the Form IDs for the TouchPoints you are using.

In the example 1283 is the subform ID (Tutoring - Subform_1283 ), while 1282 is the parent Form ID (Tutoring - Check In_1282). The Form ID is seen in the folder named after the TouchPoints in the Query.

Once you have the Variable created, add it to your table.

Select the cell to highlight it, in the formatting panel: Report Element Format panel > Appearance Settings. "Read content as:" from "Text" to "Hyperlink". The cell will change to a hyperlink and will take you to ETO to edit the TouchPoint response.

Your link should look similar to this:


If you want to change the text of the hyperlink to say "Edit" or something else, simply change the [Date Taken] Object at the end of the Variable to

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