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ETO Results | Hyperlinks to ETO Pages

BO 4.3 Platform

Updated over a week ago

The links below can be a great way to familiarize yourself with linking to features in ETO from ETO Results formulas. Keep in mind that each placeholder will need to be included implicitly or explicitly in the table where your URL will be active and that you might need to merge Dimensions from separate Queries in order to get the Objects you need for each placeholder in your URL.


View/Edit Demographics

This link will direct the User to the View/Edit Participant page for the Participant that is referenced in the row of ETO Results data that the link is clicked in.

="<a href=\"" + [PSID] +"&type=C&pn=View%252FEdit%2BParticipant&readonly=\"title=\"Edit Participant's Demographics\"target=\"_self\"nav=\"web\">"+[PSID]+"</a>"

Dismiss Participant

This link will take the User to the Dismiss Participant page for the Participant in the row of data in ETO Results.

="<a href = \"" + FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"0000") + "&ClientName=" + [Last Name] + ", " + [First Name] + "&PageType=SelectedType +>Dismiss"

New TouchPoint (any)

This link will take the User to the View/Record TouchPoint page for the Participant in the row of data in ETO Results.

="<p> Go To<a href="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+" target=_blank>" + FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"</a>. Dashboard</p>"

New TouchPoint (any) with Redirect

This link will take the User to the View/Record TouchPoint screen for the Participant in the row of ETO Results data and then return the User to that Participant's Dashboard after clicking the Cancel or Save button at the bottom of the page. This is an excellent link for reports placed on a Participant's Dashboard.

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&DashboardType=P"+"\"target=\"_self\">New</a>"

New TouchPoint (specific) with Redirect to Participant Dashboard

This link will take you to a blank form for the Participant in the row of ETO Results data that the URL is clicked in for the TouchPoint form that is referenced in that row of data and then return the User to that Participant's Dashboard. This link can be particularly helpful for TouchPoints that should be taken multiple times for one Participant and then displayed in a table (eg. Case notes).

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&FormID="+FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&DashboardType=P"+"\" target=\"_self\">New</a>"

Add Similar

This link will take the User to a new TouchPoint Form for the Participant and TouchPoint form referenced in the row of Results data.

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&SimilarID="+FormatNumber([Response Unique Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&SubjectID="+FormatNumber([Subject Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&FormID="+FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#")+"&DashboardType=P"+"\" target=\"_self\">Add Similar - Single</a>"

Edit TouchPoint Response

This report link will take the User to a new TouchPoint form for the Participant and TouchPoint form referenced in the row of Results data.

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&FormID="+FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#")+"&DashboardType=P&ResponseID="+FormatNumber([Response Unique Identifier];"#")+"&SubjectID="+FormatNumber([Subject Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&SubjectType=Participant"+"\" target=\"_self\">Edit</a>"

View Participant TouchPoint with Redirect to My Dashboard

This link will take the User to view the Participant TouchPoint response shown in the row of ETO Results data without being able to edit the response. After clicking Back, the User will be taken to their Staff Dashboard (My Dashboard).

Please note that in order to turn this link into an Edit Participant TouchPoint Response link, you simply remove the '&Command=ReadOnly' portion of the URL. It is not advised that you use links that open in new tabs or windows to direct Users to edit any data in ETO, as the ProgramID will be saved as that which the User last selected, which could be different from the program that the response exists in. Links that direct to pages that allow editing should be reserved for embedded reports on various Dashboards.

="<a href=\"" + FormatNumber([Response Unique Identifier];"#") + "&FormID=" + FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#") + "&CLID=" + FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#") + "&ClientName=" + [First Name]+"+"+[Last Name] + "&Command=ReadOnly&ReturnPage=%2fModules%2fDashboard%2fPersonal.aspx"+"\" target=\"_self\">"+[Response Unique Identifier]+"</a>"

View Collection TouchPoint

This link will take the User to view the Collection TouchPoint Response shown in the row of ETO Results data without being able to edit that response.

="<p> Go To<a href=\""+[Collection Type Identifier_83]+"&ResponseSetID="+[Collection Identifier_83]+"&SubjectType=Participant"+"\"target=\"_blank\">"+[Collection Name_83]+"</a>.</p>"

View Collection TouchPoint Response as Print TouchPoint view

This report link will take the User to the Print Response screen for the Collection TouchPoint Response shown in the row of ETO Results data.

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#")+"&DashboardType=C&ResponseSetID="+FormatNumber([Response Set Unique Identifier];"#")+"&CollectionTypeID="+FormatNumber([Collection Unique Identifier];"#")+"&SubjectType=Participant&Command=ReadOnly"+"\"target=\"_blank\">View</a>"

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