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ETO Results | Hyperlink to View, Edit, or Add TouchPoint Response
ETO Results | Hyperlink to View, Edit, or Add TouchPoint Response

BO 4.3 Platform

Updated over a week ago

Note: If the hyperlinks are not formatted properly as according to this article, you can potentially corrupt your data permanently.

To create a link within a Results 4.2 report to edit or view a single participant TouchPoint response, or to take a new TouchPoint response, the following formulas will be needed:

Using Flattened Data

Objects necessary to bring into the query: Participant Site Identifier, Subject Unique Identifier, Name, First Name (detail), Last Name (detail), and Response ID

Variable: View Participant TouchPoint Response

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Response ID_####];"#")+"&FormID=####&CLID"+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&Command=ReadOnly&ReturnPage=%2fSingleForm%2fClientForms.aspx%3fclid%3d48512%26type%3dC%26pn%3dView%252fRecord%2bForm%26ExpandedItemIndex%3d%7c%7c2%7c%7c"+"\" target=\"_blank\">View Response</a>"

Variable: Edit Participant TouchPoint Response

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&FormID=####&DashboardType=P&ResponseID="+FormatNumber([Response ID_####];"#")+"&SubjectID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name] +"+"+[Last Name]+"&SubjectType=Participant"+"\" target=\"_blank\">Edit</a>"

Variable: Add Participant TouchPoint Response

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&SimilarID="+FormatNumber([Response ID_####];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&SubjectID="+FormatNumber([Subject Unique Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&FormID=####&DashboardType=P"+"\" target=\"_blank\">Add New</a>"

Variable: Edit Multiple Participant TouchPoint Response

="<a href=\""+URLEncode(FormatNumber([Response Set Identifier_####];"#"))+"&FormID=####&CLID="+URLEncode(""+[Participant Site Identifier])+"&ClientName="+URLEncode(""+[Name])+"&SubjectType=Participant&ReturnPage=%252fSingleForm%252fClientForms.aspx%253fCLID%253d24079%2526ExpandedItemIndex%253d%257c%257c0%257c%257c%2526ShowPrevEnrol%253d0\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" nav=\"web\">Edit M Participant TP</a>"

NOTE: Anywhere you see the ####, you will need to replace the number sign with the Form ID or Response ID. The Form ID can be found in the query. It is the number following the touchpoint name. This part of the variable is hardcoded and will need to be updated for each touchpoint. The Response ID will be an object in the query. EXAMPLE: TouchPoint Name_1234

Anything inside of the quotes is hard-coded. Anything outside of the quotes is an object from the query.

You can change the text "\" target=\"_blank\" to "\" target=\"_self\".
_blank will open in a new tab
_self will open within the report

  1. Cut and paste the formula into a cell or create a variable that can be used in other places in the report.

  2. Right-click on to the field after placing the formula into the report.

  3. Select Format Cell

  4. Under Display, select the drop down next to Read content as: and change it from Text to Hyperlink.

Using Unflattened Data

To do this in unflattened data, you will need to have Participant Site ID, First Name detail, and Last Name detail as objects in your report. You can obtain these objects by (1) Creating a custom universe with unflattened touchpoint data or
(2) Create 2 queries using the Standard TouchPoint Universe NEW and the Standard Participant Universe.
If you choose to use the 2 query solution, you will need to create merged dimensions on Subject Unique ID and details for Participant Site ID, and First/Last Name.

Example of two queries:

Standard TouchPoint Universe NEW

Standard Participant Universe

Variable: Add New Response

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&SimilarID="+FormatNumber([Response Unique Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&SubjectID="+FormatNumber([Subject Unique Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&FormID=" + FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#") +"&DashboardType=P"+"\" target=\"_blank\">Add New</a>"

Variable: Edit Response

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&FormID="+FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#")+"&DashboardType=P&ResponseID="+FormatNumber([Response Unique Identifier];"#")+"&SubjectID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&SubjectType=Participant"+"\" target=\"_blank\">Edit</a>"

Variable: View Response

="<a href=\""+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&Command=ReadOnly&FormID=" + FormatNumber([TouchPoint Unique Identifier];"#") +"&DashboardType=P&ResponseID="+FormatNumber([Response Unique Identifier];"#")+"&CLID="+FormatNumber([Participant Site Identifier];"#")+"&ClientName="+[First Name]+"+"+[Last Name]+"&SubjectType=Participant"+"\" target=\"_blank\">View Response</a>"

Variable: Edit Multiple Participant Touchpoint

="<a href=\""+URLEncode(""+[Response Set Unique Identifier])+"&FormID=####&CLID="+URLEncode(""+[Subject Identifier])+"&ClientName="+URLEncode(""+[Subject Name])+"&SubjectType=Participant&ReturnPage=%252fSingleForm%252fClientForms.aspx%253fclid%253d24079%2526type%253dC%2526pn%253dView%25252fRecord%252bForm%2526ExpandedItemIndex%253d%257c%257c0%257c%257c%2526ShowPrevEnrol%253d0\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" nav=\"web\">Edit M Participant TP</a>"

Anything inside of the quotes is hard-coded. Anything outside of the quotes is an object from the query.

You can change the text "\" target=\"_blank\" to "\" target=\"_self\".
_blank will open in a new tab
_self will open within the report

  1. Cut and paste the formula into a cell or create a variable that can be used in other places in the report.

  2. Right-click on the field after placing the formula into the report.

  3. Select Format Cell

  4. Under Display, select the drop-down next to Read content as: and change it from Text to Hyperlink.

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