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Workflow | Add Steps


Updated over a year ago

Steps in Workflows are actions to be taken with respect to the enrolled Participant in order to progress in the Workflow.

Step 1 - On the Site Navigation Bar, select "Site Administration" then click "Manage Workflows" and locate the Workflow you wish to edit.

Step 2 – Either find the Workflow you wish to add conditions to from the list OR if you are creating a new Workflow, scroll down to the table at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3 - From the checkpoint drop-down menu, select the option to add a Step.

Step 4 - From the Step drop box, select the Step you wish for the users to take. You can create steps based on adding a Referral for the Participant, assigning them to a Caseload, enrolling them in another Workflow, dismissing them from the Program, recording a TouchPoint for them, scheduling them an Appointment, updating their Demographics, or updating their latest TouchPoint response. The activation of additional icons within this top section is dependent on the Step selection, whether it be the TouchPoint, Workflow, or Referral related Step.

Step 5 - Once the Step has been selected, you may use the Optional Name field to create a different name for users to view when completing the Step.

Step 6 - The Progress Bar is a way for the user to advance through the Workflow. The total percentage within a Workflow must equal 100%.

Step 7 - Determine if users must complete the Step before moving on to the next Checkpoint in the Workflow. If yes, it ensures that the users perform the steps in a specific order. If no, the steps will be able to be completed in any order.

Step 8 - Determine whether to keep the action link enabled even after the step is completed. If yes, it will allow the user to continue clicking on the link to take the specific Step even after the Step has been completed. If no, the link will become inactive after completion.

Step 9 - Determine whether to restrict validation to Programs where the Workflow is available. This means that it only checks if this Step has been completed in the Programs where the Workflow is available. If yes, it will ignore checking this step in Programs where the Workflow is not available.

Step 10 - Determine whether to restrict validation to current enrollments, which only checks the Step in Programs where the Participant is enrolled. If yes, will ignore checking this Step in Programs where the Participant is not currently enrolled, including Programs where they have been dismissed or have only been referred to.

Step 11 - Determine whether to allow manual override of the checkpoint, which means that users can skip this Step. If yes, select the lowest user role that has permission to skip this step and override the Checkpoint.

Step 12 - Once the fields are complete, click "Submit" to Save the Step and add it to the Workflow.

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