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Release Notes | Mobile ETO

11/19/21 Release

Updated over a year ago


Mobile ETO streamlines the most utilized capabilities of ETO – actions like adding and enrolling participants, collections, and families; recording TouchPoints; and making referrals. Mobile ETO allows users to find and enter data in fewer clicks, exactly where they are delivering services.

Functionality & Features

Mobile ETO is an updated user interface and mobile experience for the following capabilities. Mobile ETO is mobile-responsive and all of the capabilities are able to be seamlessly used on a mobile device. Here is a list of the pages that are now mobile-responsive:

  • Quick Search

  • Login Page(s)

  • Sites/Programs

    Ability to Switch between sites and programs

  • Participants

    Add New Participant

    Duplicate Check Enforced


    Participant Program History

    Enroll Participants

    Dismiss Participants

  • TouchPoints 

    Record/Edit/View for all types

    Participant, Entity, Collections, General, Family, Anonymous

  • Collections

    Create Collection

    Edit Collection

  • Families

    Add New Family

    View/Edit Families 

  • Referrals (Add/View/Edit) 

    Add Referral

    View/Edit Referrals

    View Pending Referrals

  • Ability to switch from Mobile to Desktop and vice versa

Note: These pages are also updated to meet the new user interface standards - on both Desktop and Mobile. This is part of a larger effort to continue to update pages within ETO to be a consistent user experience across the software.

How does Mobile ETO work?

Mobile ETO is simply taking the user experience that you know and love in ETO – and making it better. We’ve made the most critical parts of ETO (listed above) mobile responsive, but you’re still able to access ALL parts of ETO on a mobile device, just like you always have!

For this initiative, we purposefully didn’t target the administrative parts of ETO because after talking with numerous customers, we found out that most of those tasks are still primarily done on a desktop computer. We targeted the data-heavy components of ETO for this initiative so that we could ensure we were having the biggest positive impact to end users and their daily case management workflows.

Now, when you log into ETO on a mobile device, you are automatically placed on our mobile responsive side of ETO. This is to make your work as seamless as it possibly can be on a mobile device. You’re able to access all of the critical functions of your work, and they are all mobile responsive.

However, if you need to get an administrative task done on a mobile device or if you’d simply prefer the old way that things looked on a mobile device, you can always go to the navigation bar and click on “Switch to Desktop Site” to gain access. Likewise, if you notice that one of your organization’s workflow tasks is not represented in your navigation bar in the mobile site, but it is on a desktop, you can easily switch from the mobile and desktop site at any point.

NOTE: On a mobile device, the user dropdown that is in the top right corner of the screen on a desktop is located in the navigation bar.

How to Set Search Results Settings

Demographics: We have many participant grids that rely on the ‘Return with Quick Search’, but now this additional setting helps us ensure that we are surfacing the most important demographic information for your unique organization when on a mobile device. We now have a new column on that page for ‘Return with Mobile Quick Search’ on the Manage Demographics page. The limit for selection is 2 columns.

Entities: Entity results are based on the ‘Entity Search Settings’ under Manage Attributes. Again, to ensure that we are surfacing the most important information for your unique organization when on a mobile device, there is now a column under ‘Entity Search Settings’ called ‘Return with Mobile Quick Search’. The limit is 3 columns.

TouchPoints: TouchPoint response grid columns are based on the TouchPoint’s ‘View Screen Settings’ found under ‘Question Settings’ under ‘Manage TouchPoints’. On the ‘View Screen Settings’ tab, there is now a ‘Show on Mobile’ option. The limit is 4 columns,


Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Enterprise Enroll: Under Enterprise Enroll, there is a ‘Search Settings’ page that now has a ‘Displayed Mobile’ column. The limit is 2 columns.

Known Issues

While we try to have perfect releases, that unfortunately isn’t always the case. Here are some known defects that we are actively working to address:

  • If a TouchPoint has multiple pages, the pages can occasionally expand out of frame to the right, forcing the user to scroll far horizontally to access the other TouchPoint pages.

  • Message elements on TouchPoints are not always correctly wrapping text.

  • Text element response fields are not wrapping when character limit is set to < 100.

  • Viewing TouchPoint responses with photo file attachments can become difficult to navigate if the photo has a large resolution; the page will expand beyond a usable state.

  • When rejecting a Pending Referral on a mobile device, the ‘Reason For Rejection’ window populates but no options appear. Expected behavior is that a list of different rejection options will appear in this window.

  • Robot errors do not populate additional details when robot is tapped on a mobile device.

  • On the View/Edit Participant page, the Opt-Out checkbox will wrap out of line and improperly, if the participant is currently enrolled in the program.

  • If an organization has the same demographic chosen to "Return for Quick Search" on BOTH Desktop and Mobile, then an end user cannot complete a Referral. If the Demographic is not chosen for both Desktop and Mobile, the Referral will process as normal. By default, no Demographic options are chosen for Return for Quick Search for Mobile, so we ask that end users do not update to make the Demographic options for both Desktop and Mobile the same until we get this resolved.

  • When using Family Search through Enterprise Enroll on Mobile, clicking to enroll currently does not prompt a success message - it will give a loading bar indefinitely. However, the family does properly enroll.

  • With the initial release of Mobile ETO, end users were not able to see beyond the first 20 pending referrals, due to lack of pagination. Now, end users are probably able to see all pending referrals.

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