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Release Notes | 20.10.0

Release Date: 5/21/2020

Updated over a week ago


This release includes the fifth release of rewritten, browser neutral pages, as well as several high priority defect fixes and a new Ideas Portal enhancement!

Browser Neutrality:

For this release, the following features have been rewritten so that their associated pages are browser neutral:

Standard Reports

  • Employment Retention Report

  • Entity Reports

  • Demographics Reports

  • ETO Enterprise Reports

  • ETO Program Grouping Reports

  • Participants with no contact Report

  • Site Services Reports

Custom Reports

Manage Reports

  • Manage Standard Reports

  • Manage Report Categories & Sub-Categories

  • Manage Rooms Report

Manage Housing

  • Manage Housing

  • Edit

  • Delete

  • Add New Room

  • Attributes

  • Unit Info

  • Occupants

Manage Rooms

  • Manage Rooms

  • Edit

  • Submit

Manage All Rooms HMIS

  • Manage All Rooms HMIS

  • Manage Rooms

  • Edit Occupant

  • Add New Occupant

  • Submit Room Changes


The following fixes are in this release:

ETOC-7037 - TouchPoints: Entity Cross Reference search only searches for first word

  • Entity Cross Reference will now search for the word no matter where in the string of words it is.

ETOC-8108 - Timeout Pop-Up Incorrectly Appearing

  • Timeout pop-up now properly respects the timeout setting.

ETOC-9286 – Browser Neutrality: [Add New Entity (NEW)] Entity Cross Reference Attribute does not allow selection

  • Users can now create/edit an entity and properly select an Entity Cross Reference Attribute.

ETOC-9317– Browser Neutrality: View/Edit Entities OLD: Zip Codes do not progress

  • Users can now add and edit Entities with zip codes.

ETOC-9372 – Browser Neutrality: Condensed Reports are not loading

  • Condensed reports will now redirect and load properly.

ETOC-9374 – Browser Neutrality: Cannot press Continue on Aggregate Assessment Report

  • Users can now click Continue for the Aggregate Assessment Report.

ETOC-9328 - ETO Connect: Demographics do not load in AU

  • Demographics now load properly in Connect for our AU customers.

ETOC-9373 - Review Staff NEW: Data returned is only correct when running for oneself

  • When using Review Staff Efforts (NEW), the data will display correctly when run for any user.

ETOC-9376 - Touchpoints: Unable to Set Security to only View Others Responses

  • Users can set TouchPoint security to only View Others Responses.

ETOC-9378 - HMIS Data Pull: Enrollment.csv does not include Date of Engagement

  • Date of Engagement for a participant will now pull into the Enrollment.csv, based on the Outreach and Services Engagement.

ETOC-9308 - HMIS Data Pull: Enrollment.csv Date Created pulling incorrectly

  • The correct enrollment date will now pull into the Enrollment.csv.


With this release, we have implemented an idea directly from our Ideas Portal! The Ideas Portal is a space that our Product Development regularly reviews for customer ideas on how to ETO even better. The following enhancement was submitted and voted for by customers, just like you.

The idea was to add a Participant Count to the Record TouchPoint page for TouchPoints that have multiple participant responses (such as Collections, Multiple Participants, or Family TouchPoints). Now, when you are recording a TouchPoint with multiple Participants, there will be a total Participant count at the top AND bottom of the page. It will update as you add or remove participants to the TouchPoint.

In addition, we have also a Participant Count column to the View/Edit TouchPoint page.

You can add or remove this column to the View/Edit TouchPoint page by going to the View Screen Only settings of the TouchPoint (under Manage TouchPoints > Question Settings > View Screen settings).

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