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HMIS Validation Error List

#HMIS #Validation #Errors

Updated over a week ago

Below is a list of potential errors that can be presented in a Data Validation, along with solutions for them.

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Bed Stays



Bed start date was recorded prior to the program start date in this program.

Participant Program History: Edit client’s program start date (via Participant Program History).


Housing Occupancy (client dashboard): Edit/remove client’s bed start date that occurred before the program start date.

Bed end date was recorded after the program end date in this program.

Participant Program History: Edit client’s program end date (via Participant Program History).


Housing Occupancy (client dashboard): Edit/remove client’s bed end date that occurred after the program end date.

This client has the following overlapping bed stays:


This client has more than five overlapping bed stays.

Housing Occupancy (client dashboard): Edit/remove overlapping stays.

This client was checked in and out of a bed on the same day in an Emergency Shelter program.

Housing Occupancy (client dashboard): Edit the client’s check-in or check-out date.

Data Entry

Error Description


The client was enrolled into the same program where the dates overlap.

Participant Program History: Edit and/or remove an enrollment with dates that overlap another enrollment.

Client's Date of Birth is recorded with a future date.

View/Edit Participant: edit client’s DOB.

The client is missing a value for First Name.

View/Edit Participant: enter First Name for client.

The client is missing a value for Last Name.

View/Edit Participant: enter Last Name for client.

The client is missing a value for Name Data Quality (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter Name Data Quality (HUD) for client.

The client is missing a value for SSN Quality (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter SSN Quality (HUD) for client.

The client is missing a value for Social Security Number.

View/Edit Participant: enter Social Security Number for client.

The client is missing a value for Date of Birth Type (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter Date of Birth Type (HUD) for client.

The client is missing a value for Date of Birth.

View/Edit Participant: enter Date of Birth for client.

The client is missing a value for Ethnicity (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter Ethnicity (HUD) for client.

The client is missing a value for Gender (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter Gender (HUD) for client.

The client has a gender of "Other" and the text field for Other Gender is missing a value.

View/Edit Participant: enter value in Other Gender (HUD) for client.

The client is missing a value for Veteran Status (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter Veteran Status (HUD) for client.

The client is missing a value for Race (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: enter Race (HUD) for client.

"Client Doesn't Know", "Client Refused", or "Data Not Collected" is selected with one or more values for Race (HUD).

View/Edit Participant: remove either "Client Doesn't Know", "Client Refused", or "Data Not Collected" selection from Race (HUD), if the client also has another value selected.

The client's age is less than 18 and has a Veteran Status of "Yes".

View/Edit Participant: edit Veteran Status (HUD) for client.

The client's SSN Quality (HUD) is "Full SSN Reported" and SSN is missing a value.

View/Edit Participant: enter Social Security Number for client.

The client was enrolled and dismissed on the same day in an Emergency Shelter program. Emergency Shelter clients should not be entered into the project if they leave on the same day. Please correct or remove this record.

Participant Program History: edit the client’s program start and/or end date.

The client has completed HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project exit, but has not been dismissed from the project.

Dismiss Participants: dismiss client from the program.


View Participant TouchPoints: delete or edit the client’s HUD exit assessment, if they should not be exited from the program.

Project Descriptors

Error Description


The Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint is not filled out for this program.

View General TouchPoints: Making sure you’re in the correct program, take a new Project Descriptor Data Elements general TouchPoint. If you do not have access to this TouchPoint, please contact an ETO administrator or

The Federal Partner Programs and Components question in the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint is missing a value.

View General TouchPoints: edit the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint and make at least one selection under Federal Partner Programs and Components.

The HUD-assigned CoC Codes question in the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint is missing a value.

View General TouchPoints: edit the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint and enter the Continuum Code in the correct format (e.g., AK-500).

The Project Type question in the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint is missing a value.

View General TouchPoints: edit the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint and select a Project Type.

Project Type in the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint is equal to Emergency Shelter, but Emergency Shelter Tracking Method is not filled out.

View General TouchPoints: edit the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint and select an Emergency Shelter Tracking Method.

The Continuum Of Care Code must be a valid HUD Continuum Of Care Code.

View General TouchPoints: edit the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint and confirm that the Continuum Code is correct for the project’s location, and in the correct format (e.g., AK-500).


Error Description


Client is missing one or more corresponding HUD annual Assessment TouchPoint(s).

Take a HUD Assessment (A-1. At what point is this data being collected? = Project Annual Assessment) for the client dated within 30 days before or after the anniversary of their program start date. You may want to check if the client has annual assessments dated outside of that date range and fix the date taken.

NOTE: if you run a report with an end date in the future, the Data Validation Report will show you clients who will be missing annual assessments as of that end date.

Client does not have a corresponding HUD Exit Assessment TouchPoint recorded at project exit or the date recorded does not match the project exit date.

Take a HUD Assessment (A.1. At what point is this data being collected? = Project Exit) for client (dated the same date as program end date).


Check date on client’s exit HUD Assessment, ensure it is the same as client’s program end date.

Client does not have a corresponding HUD Intake Assessment TouchPoint recorded at project entry or the date recorded does not match the project entry date.

Take a HUD Assessment (A.1. At what point is this data being collected? = Project Entry) for client (dated the same date as program start date).


Check date on client’s entry HUD Assessment, ensure it is the same as client’s program start date.

The client has multiple HUD Entry Assessment TouchPoints recorded during the project enrollment.

Delete extra entry HUD Assessment(s) taken for client.

The client has multiple HUD Exit Assessment TouchPoints recorded during the project enrollment.

Delete extra exit HUD Assessment(s) taken for client.

The client is missing a value for "At what point is this data being collected?" in the HUD Assessment TouchPoint.

Edit client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-1 (At what point is this data being collected?).

The client's TouchPoint was saved as a draft. Data from this TouchPoint will not be pulled into the HMIS Export.

Edit the client’s TouchPoint, make any necessary changes, and click Save.

The HUD-assigned CoC code for the client’s location is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-5 (HUD-assigned CoC code for the client’s location).

The Client Location Code needs to match one of the CoC Codes listed in the Project Descriptors.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-5 (HUD-assigned CoC code for the client’s location). The response to this question must match one of the codes shown under A-4 (Continuum Code) and be in the correct format (e.g., AK-500).

The question "HUD-assigned CoC code for the client’s location" in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at entry for this client is not a valid CoC Code. Please choose one of the CoC codes listed in "Continuum Code - HUD-assigned CoC Codes for this Project's Location". If your code matches one of the choices, please contact your ETO administrator.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-5 (HUD-assigned CoC code for the client’s location). The response to this question must match one of the codes shown under A-4 (Continuum Code) and be in the correct format (e.g., AK-500).

The client is missing a value for Relationship to Head Household. In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-3 (What is the client's relationship to the head of household?).

The client's Residence Prior to Entry is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at entry project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-8 (What was the client's residence prior to project entry?).

The client's Residence Prior to Entry is set to "Other", but other "Type of Residence" is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-9 (If other for “Type of Residence” please specify where).

The client's Length of Stay in Previous Place is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-10 (Length of Stay in Previous Place).

The client is missing a value for the question "Has the client been continuously homeless for at least one year?" in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-16 (Has the client been continuously homeless for at least one year?).

The client is missing a value for the question "How many times the client has been homeless in the past three years?" in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-17 (How many times the client has been homeless in the past three years?).

The client's Continuously Homeless is set to 4 or more and their Total Number of Months Homeless in the Past Three Years is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-18 (The number of months the client has been homeless in the past three years).

The client's total number of months continuously homeless immediately prior to project entry is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-19 (Total number of months continuously homeless immediately prior to project entry).

The client's Continuously Homeless Status Documented element is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-20 (Is there documentation in the client’s paper file or in the HMIS of the client’s length of homelessness?).

The client's Destination is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project exit.

Edit the client’s exit HUD Assessment and answer question A-183 (Where did the client go upon exit?).

The client's Destination is set to "Other", but the where the client went is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project exit.

Edit the client’s exit HUD Assessment and answer question A-184 (Please specify where the client went upon exit).

The client's Disabling Condition is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint at project entry.

Edit the client’s entry HUD Assessment and answer question A-176 (Does the client currently have a disabling condition?).

The client is currently receiving income, but no Income Source was selected in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and either answer Yes for an income source (questions A-90 through A-120).


Remove the Yes response from question A-89 (Is the client currently receiving income from any source?).

The client is currently receiving income, but the Total Monthly Income is NULL or equal to $0.00 in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and enter the monthly income amount(s) for each income source selected (questions A-91 through A-121).


Remove the Yes response from question A-89 (Is the client currently receiving income from any source?).

The client is listed as having earned income, but the Earned Income monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-91 (Earned Income Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having unemployment insurance, but the unemployment insurance monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-93 (Unemployment Insurance Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Supplemental Security income, but the Supplemental Security income monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-95 (Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Social Security Disability income, but the Social Security Disability income monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-97 (Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation, but the VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation monthly amount is missing a value.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-99 (VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having VA Non-Service-Connected Disability Pension, but the VA Non-Service-Connected Disability Pension monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-101 (VA Non-Service-Connected Disability Pension Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Private Disability Insurance, but the Private Disability Insurance monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-103 (Private Disability Insurance Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Workers Compensation, but the Workers Compensation monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-105 (Worker’s Compensation Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having TANF, but the TANF monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-107 (Temporary Assistance Needy Families Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having General Assistance, but the General Assistance monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-109 (General Assistance (GA) Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Retirement Income Social Security, but the Retirement Income Social Security monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-111 (Retirement Income from Social Security Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Pension Retirement Income from a former job, but the Pension Retirement Income Former Job monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-113 (Monthly Pension or Retirement Income Amount).

The client is listed as having Child Support, but the Child Support monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-115 (Child Support Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having Alimony Spousal Support, but the Alimony Spousal Support monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-117 (Alimony or Spousal Support Monthly Amount).

The client is listed as having income from an Other Source, but the Other Source monthly amount is missing a value in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-119 (Other Source Monthly Amount).

The client is currently receiving Non-Cash Benefits, but no Non-Cash Benefits sources were selected in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and either answer Yes for a non-cash benefit source (questions A-124 through A-132).


Remove the Yes response from question A-123 (Is the client currently receiving non-cash benefits from any source?).

The client is missing a value for Physical Disability in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-150 (Does the client currently have a physical disability?).

The client is missing a value for Developmental Disability in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-154 (Does the client currently have a developmental disability?).

The client is missing a value for Chronic Health Condition in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-158 (Does the client currently have a chronic health condition?).

The client is missing a value for HIV/AIDS in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-162 (Does the client currently have HIV / AIDS?).

The client is missing a value for Mental Health Problem in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-166 (Does the client currently have mental health problem?).

The client is missing a value for Substance Abuse Problem in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-172 (Does the client have a substance abuse problem?).

The client is missing a value for Domestic Violence Victim/Survivor in the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) TouchPoint.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-177 (Is the client a victim/survivor of domestic violence?).

The Veteran Information (SSVF) TouchPoint is required for clients who have a Veteran Status = "Yes" and are enrolled in a Supportive Services for Veteran Families funded project.

Take a new Veteran Information (SSVF) TouchPoint for the client.


Error Description


This client became an adult during the reporting period. As per HUD, all questions and demographics must be updated for an adult.

Update demographics and HUD Assessments recorded for client during the reporting period. In the HUD Assessment, elements required for adults will appear once the client has turned 18.

The Demographic "Name Data Quality (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

The Demographic "SSN Quality (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

The Demographic "Date of Birth Type (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

The Demographic "Ethnicity (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

The Demographic "Gender (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

The Demographic "Veteran Status (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

The Demographic "Race (HUD)" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

View/Edit Participant: update the demographic if information is available.

In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at entry, the question "Does the client currently have a disabling condition?" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-176 (Does the client currently have a disabling condition?) if information is available.

In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at entry, the question "What was the client's residence prior to project entry?" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-8 (What was the client's residence prior to project entry?) if information is available.

In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at exit, the question "Where did the client go upon exit?" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-183 (Where did the client go upon exit?) if information is available.

In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at entry, the question "Has the client been continuously homeless for at least one year?" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-16 (Has the client been continuously homeless for at least one year?) if information is available.

In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at entry, the question "How many times the client has been homeless in the past three years?" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question A-17 (How many times the client has been homeless in the past three years?) if information is available.

In the HUD Assessment (Entry/Update/Annual/Exit) at entry, the question "The number of months the client has been homeless in the past three years" has a value of "Client doesn’t know", "Client refused", or "Data not collected". This response may be treated as missing data for reporting purposes as per HUD's guidelines.

Edit the client’s HUD Assessment and answer question if information is available.

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