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Release Notes | 20.25.0 | ETO Rebrand

Release Date: 6/4/2021

Updated over a year ago

ETO has rebranded to some fresh colors and designs!

Overview: This release will include a new user interface update, plus a new Ideas Portal!

User Interface Update: ETO has a brand new look! We want to constantly be improving the experience for end users so that you can have a consistent experience across all channels. Now whether you are interacting with any of our products, receiving emails from us, or browsing our website, you will have a unified user experience.

There will be no opt-in period because this will not affect any functionality.

This release will not include updates to all of ETO. Below is a list of what will be updated:

  1. Login Page + all pages associated with logging in (ex. New User, Concurrent Login, Forgot My Password, MFA, etc.)

  2. Top and Side Navigation Bar, Bottom Bar, Quick Search

  3. Sites & Programs Selector

  4. My Dashboard page

  5. Record TouchPoint page

  6. View TouchPoints page (for each type of TouchPoint, but only Participant TouchPoint shown below)

  7. View/Edit Participants page

  8. Add New Participant page

In addition, we've released a new ideas portal for ETO! This new ideas portal will be much more intuitive and easy to navigate for you, and it will be much easier for our Product team to monitor and create open and transparent communication and collaboration about ideas as well.

Highly upvoted ideas, as well as all new ideas from the last 6 months, have been migrated over to the new ideas portal.

You can now navigate to the Ideas Portal directly from inside ETO as well. Just click “Submit an Idea” under the Help section of the navigation bar!

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