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Approvals | View Approvals


Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to see approvals that have been sent to you from across the enterprise and accept or reject them.

Step 1 – On the navigation car, click My Work. Then select View Approvals.

Step 2 – On the Approvals Sent to Me tab, you will see the following options:

  1. You can sort and filter by subject, approval required for, date recorded for, recorded in site/program, approval form, or status.

  2. Click on the link in the Approval Required For column to see the TouchPoint or referral form that was completed for the subject.

  3. Check this box to see a list of completed approvals.

  4. If your approval form is set up to allow quick approval, you will see a green check and a red x. Click on these to quick accept or reject. If you do not see the check icon, the approval form is not setup to allow quick approval.

  5. Click the black plus sign to record the approval form.

Step 3 – Checking the Show Completed Approvals box will show you all approvals that have already been accepted or rejected.

  • You can edit the approval from responses for approvals that have been approved only.

  • An eye icon allows you to view the response. You will only be able to view responses for approval forms that were recorded (not quick approvals).

Step 4 – Click on the plus sign in the Take Action column to record the approval form.

  • Approval forms look and act identical to TouchPoints. Fill out the required information and click the Save button.

Step 5 – You can see a list of approvals for a participant or entity by clicking on the Approvals for Subject tab and searching for the participant/entity.

  • Make sure to select the correct subject from the drop-down.

Step 6 – Click on the subject’s name will show a list of approvals that are pending for that subject.

  • The table will show the TouchPoint/referral that the approval is required for, the date it was recorded, which site/program it was recorded in, the approval form, the status, and the number of approvals completed out of the total number required.

  • Click the toggle (+/-) to see the users the referral is assigned to, the status of it, and actions that can be taken.

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