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Approvals | Reporting on Approvals
Updated over a week ago

Approval data is stored across the Standard Approval Universe and in the flattened Touchpoint data. Users can report on one of those universes for certain data points or on a combination of both to see all associated data in one table.

Merge details and dimensions will be an important part of this combination of data.

Standard Approval Universe

On its own, the Standard Approval Universes gives all Approval related data. Recipients, Questions and Answers, Approval Form Association, etc.

It does not contain participant level details at this time.

Example of table data:

It is a great universe for looking at Approval Forms and their associations to touchpoints, aggregated data across multiple approval forms, or single responses for approvals.

Custom Flattened Universes

Once you have created a new universe or flattened an existing universe with a touchpoint that is associated to an approval form, you will see approval related fields.

Example: This universe contains basic participant information and flattened touchpoint data.

In each TouchPoints folder are two key objects Approver and Approval Status.

Approver has a detail for an entity name if admin entity, like staff name, is an applicable recipient.

Approver is specific to Entity information. If your recipient group is a Staff person, this information will not appear in the Approver section.

Note: We have an Idea in our Ideas portal to display staff information.

Approval Status will display:

0 for Pending

1 for Accepted

2 for Rejected

Note: We also have an Idea in our Ideas portal to display Approval Status as Text. As a quick workaround you can create a variable like the following to display text:

=(If [Approval Status] = 0 Then "Pending" ElseIf [Approval Status] = 1 Then "Approved" ElseIf [Approval Status] = 2 Then "Rejected" Else "No Approval")

On the fly, this data is a quick look at Approval Status and Approver. To combine this participant level data with the question and answer data from the Standard Approval Universe, follow the steps below.

Merging Approval Data - Part 1 - Standard Approval Universe

In this version of merging details we will be focusing on the approval level details and bringing participant information in to to a table centered on approval details. In Part 2 you can see how we merge approval information in to a participant/touchpoint centered table,

  1. Create Query 1 from the Standard Approval Universe

    In this example, we are filtering to one associated Touchpoint that we will be reporting on in Query 2.

    Be sure to include Associated Response Unique Identifier.

  2. Query 2 contains the flattened touchpoint data.

  3. Merge Associated Response Unique Identifier from Query 1 with Response ID from Query 2.

  4. Make a detail for Participant Site ID

  5. Participant ID (the detail) can now be used in combination with any data from the Standard Approval Universe.

  6. You can make more details to bring over other objects from the flattened touchpoint universe to the standard approval universe table.

Merging Approval Data - Part 2 - Flattened Touchpoint Date

  1. Create Query 1 from the Standard Approval Universe

    In this example, I'm filtering to one associated form (Touchpoint) that I will be reporting on in Query 2.

    Be sure to include Associated Response Unique Identifier.

  2. Query 2 contains the flattened touchpoint data.

  3. Merge Associated Response Unique Identifier from Query 1 with Response ID from Query 2.

  4. Make a detail for Approval Status.

  5. Approval Status can now be used in combination with any data from the Standard Approval Universe.

  6. You can make more details to bring over other objects from the standard approval universe to the flattened touchpoint data table.

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