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Standard Report | Program Group Reports

#Reporting #StandardReport

Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to use Program Groups created by your Site Administrator to bundle reporting by Programs for funders, departments, or other internal or external needs. Each of these reports is described under either Demographic Reports (first two headers) or Standard Reports (all remaining reports).

Standard Demographics Reports

Standard Demographics: By Program Demographic Group (Crystal)

Standard Demographics: By Program Demographic Group enrolled in Date Range(Crystal)

Standard Demographics: By Program Demographic Group enrolled in Date Range and Active (Crystal)

Custom Demographic Reports

Custom Demographics: By Program Demographic Group (Crystal)

Custom Demographics: By Program Demographic Group (Crystal) for Participants starting within a date range

Employment Reports

Job Placements By Start Date (Program Demographic Group)

Job Retention (Program Demographic Group)

Job Advancements (Program Demographic Group)

Enrollment Reports

Enrollment Report for Program Demographic Groups Enrollments(Intakes)per Day/Week/Month

Enterprise Enrollment Report for Program Demographic Groups by Date

  • The Enrollment Report for Program Demographic Groups by date report pulls from the Participant Site ID. If you have a Participant in more than one Site in the Program group this report will count the Participant once for each Site they are in.  Therefore this report is not ideal if you would like to get an unduplicated count of Participants across the enterprise if your organization can have Participants enrolled in multiple Sites. But if you have Participants only enrolled in one Site at a time, then this will give you an unduplicated count across the enterprise.

Site Management Reports

Login/Logout Report for Program Demographic Groups

Staff Management Reports

Staff Efforts by Program Demographic Group

Management Reports

Sites and Related Program Status Report Site, Programs and Outcomes Report General Usage Report (Participant focused)

Staff Outcome Activity

  • Top 10 Participant or Entity Outcome Activity

  • Top 10 Common Outcomes Report

  • Common Outcomes Report (Value Driven with Details)

Attendance Reports

Enterprise-Wide Attendance Report (Most Detail)

Enterprise-Wide Attendance Site Summary Report

Enterprise-Wide Attendance Unduplicated Count of People Served by Site Summary

Enterprise-Wide Attendance not broken down by Date

Enterprise-Wide Attendance Site Summary Report not broken down by Date

Attendance across Outcomes

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