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Manage Site Navigation


Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to determine which features are available to your Users on your Navigation Bar. Check the box to the left of the feature to add it to the Navigation Bar, and uncheck the box to remove a feature.

Never remove the "Manage Site Navigation" feature. If you do, contact support to have the button re-added.

It is recommended that only features that are being utilized by your organization be kept on the Navigation Bar so that it is as streamlined and User-friendly as possible. Keep in mind the relationships that features have with one another when managing Site navigation.

When new features are added to the software, they are added in the off position to avoid confusing Users. Read our product newsletter and attend new feature review trainings to learn more about new features and whether you should be using them in your site.

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click "Site Administration". Then select "Manage Site Navigation".

Step 2 – You will see the following options on the grid:

  1. Component – This is the Navigation Bar grouping (for example, Participants or TouchPoints) under which each feature falls. 

  2. Feature – This is the list of all ETO software features that are available.

  3. Default Rule – This is the default for the lowest level User role that can access this feature. User roles are set via Manage User Accounts.

  4. Show Using Default – If this is checked for a particular feature, the default rule applies.

  5. Show Using Cx Rules – If this is checked for a particular feature, the “Custom Rule” applies (“Cx” = “Custom”). Custom Rules are more fully described below.

  6. Manage Rules - Manage rules and select them here.

Step 3 – Click on the name of a component or "Feature" to rename it. You can type anything you want into the text field.

Step 4 – The checkbox by each component is unchecked by default. Checking it will select all features that fall under that component. Deselecting it will deselect all Features.

Step 5 – Features can be added or removed from the Navigation Bar individually by either checking or unchecking the box next to the Feature.

Step 6 – You can limit who can see a specific Feature on the Navigation Bar by clicking the radio button in the Show using CxRules column.

Step 7 – Once it is set to show using CxRules, a drop-down menu will appear in the last column. You can select a rule for each Feature individually by selecting from the drop-down menu in the same row as the Feature.

Step 8 – You can also set one CxRule for all Features set to show using CxRules by selecting the rule from the drop-down menu in the heading. Then click the "Go" button.

Step 9 – At the bottom of the page, you can determine whether the Navigation Bar should be expanded or collapsed by default.

Step 10 – Click the "Restore Defaults" button to select every feature on the Navigation Bar and to return to the default names for features and components.

  • Once clicked, this action cannot be undone and it may be difficult to remember which features were selected for the Site's Navigation Bar. 

Step 11 – Click the "Submit" button to save any changes.

Quick-Reference Guide

  1. Navigation Bar > "Site Administration" > "Manage Site Navigation"

  2. Click the name of a component or feature to rename it

  3. Check the box next to a component to select all features to be added

  4. Check the box next to an individual feature to add it

  5. Limit who can see a specific feature using CxRules

  6. Decide how the Navigation Bar will display (collapses or expanded by default)

  7. Click the "Submit" button to save changes

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