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Families | View Family TouchPoints


Updated over a week ago

This feature allows TouchPoints to be taken, updated, and reviewed for Families. Users can search for a Family by the Family name and then click on the Family name to view that Family's previously recorded responses. Users can click the toggle to expand and view all the members of the Family.

Based on TouchPoint security permissions, a list of TouchPoints that have been previously recorded for the family will display. The responses will be grouped by TouchPoint; to view the individual responses, Users will click the toggle to expand (ordered by date completed). The date last updated, identifier, staff who recorded the TouchPoint, and status will all be displayed. Users have the option to view, edit, or delete all based on security permissions for the given TouchPoint. 

From the same page, a new TouchPoint can be completed for the family via the “Take New TouchPoint” button or by clicking the quick “Take New” option that displays next to the TouchPoint name. If the User selects the Take New TouchPoint button, a drop-down box will appear with all the TouchPoints available to the User to complete for this family. If only one TouchPoint is available, the page will re-direct to the Record TouchPoint page for that TouchPoint.

Note: If TouchPoints are not appearing as you expect, confirm the following TouchPoint settings:

  • Security allows Users in the Program and of the appropriate roles to add new responses to the TouchPoint.

  • Security above is applied to the Family subject type.

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