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‎Standard Reports | Active Households

#Reporting #StandardReport

Updated over a year ago


This report provides detailed information about Participants currently active in a Program and part of a family. A separate tab lists active Participants who are not a part of a family. Program enrollment information is provided for all Participants, both in a family and not in a family.


Begin Date: required prompt to select beginning of the date range; refers to “active” status of Participant. See Notes for definition of Active.

End Date: required prompt to select the end of the date range; refers to “active” status of Participant. See Notes for definition of Active.

Site Name: required prompt to select the Site or Sites that should be included in the report. Select at least one Site to decrease run time of report.

Program Name: optional prompt to select the Program or Programs that should be included in the report. Select at least one Program to decrease run time of report.


Sectioned first by Site, then Program, then Family Name.  Each section is displayed in alphabetical order.


Definition of Active: Participants are active if they have a Program start date before the last date in the date range and have either no Program end date or a Program end date after the first date in the date range. In other words, Participants considered active in a Program were enrolled in the Program before the end of the date range and if they were dismissed from the Program were not dismissed until after the first date in the date range. 

Active Households:

For each Site:

  • Total Number of Active Households in Site: a distinct count of unique family names that currently have one or more Participants active in the Site

For each Program:

  • Total Number of Active Households in Program: a distinct count of unique family names that currently have one or more Participants active in the Program

For each household:

  • Total Number of Household Members: a distinct count of unique Participants in the family currently active

  • A table lists the Name, Relationship, Head of Household status, Program Start Date, Program End Date, and Reason for Dismissal for each Participant in the family

Active Participants (No Household Name):

For each Site:

  • Total Number of Active Participants (with No Household Name) in Site: a distinct count of unique Participants currently active in the Site that are not in a family

For each Program:

  • Total Number of Active Participants (with No Household Name) in Site: a distinct count of unique Participants currently active in the Program that are not in a family

A table lists the Name, Program Start Date, Program End Date, and Reason for Dismissal for each Participant currently active in the Program that is not in a family.

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