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Workflow | Messages


Updated over a week ago

Messages are simple notes you wish the user to read at certain points during the workflow. They can let a user know how far into the workflow they are or remind them to take steps outside of ETO. Messages support rich text (bold, italics, underlined, and color) as well as html tags (b, br, em, font, span, strong, a, div, img, input).

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click on "Site Administration". Then select "Manage Workflows".

Step 2 – Either find the workflow you wish to add a message to from the list OR if you are creating a new workflow, scroll down to the table at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3 – From the Checkpoint drop-down menu, select "Add Message".

Step 4 – Type in the text of your message.

Step 5 – Select if you would like to prevent advancement in the workflow until this message is marked as read.

Step 6 – Click Submit to save your message and add it to the workflow.

The user will be asked to click that they have indeed read the message when it comes up in a workflow. When they have clicked the button, the user who completed the action and the date they completed it on will be recorded.

Quick-Reference Guide

  1. Navigation Bar > Site Administration > Manage Workflows

  2. Find the workflow you wish to edit OR on a new workflow, scroll down to the table at the bottom of the screen

  3. Select "Add Message" from the Checkpoint drop-down menu.

  4. Enter text for the message

  5. Select if you would like to prevent advancement in the workflow until the message is marked as read

  6. Click "Submit".

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