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Remapping a Report to a Different Universe


Updated over a week ago

Remapping a report to a new Universe allows you to include additional information in your report and to improve report performance. Remapping can also be used to move a report from a test environment to a live environment and change functional areas with the same data sources.

For example, if Universes A and B both include data sources for Participant information and TouchPoint details, but Universe B also includes Collection data, the report can be remapped to Universe B so that the Collection data is included in the report.

Step 1 – From the Report Design view, click the "Data Access" tab.

Step 2 – Click the "Tools" tab, select "Change Source", and then select the appropriate Query from the drop-down menu.        

Step 3 – Select the "Specify a new data source" radio button and select "Universe" from the drop-down menu.       

Step 4 – Select the name of the Universe you would like to remap your report to and then click "OK".

Step 5 – Click "Next". 

Step 6 – On the next page, you can select the re-map strategy. The following is recommend:  

Step 7 – Ensure that the Source fields on the left match the appropriate Target fields on the right.    

Step 8 – Remove any unnecessary fields in the Source by clicking the menu icon on the right of the field in the Target column.

Step 9 – Selecting "Removal" in the "Search by applying a strategy" drop-down menu. Click "OK".

Step 10 – Once all fields have been properly matched or removed, click "Finish" to re-map.

Step 11 – Click Save to save your newly mapped report.

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