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Manage Report Universes


Updated over a year ago

The Universe Creation Wizard is a tool within ETO software that allows a User to create a specialized Universe with only the applicable data points for a specific ETO Results report. Eliminating unnecessary Universe elements enhances the performance of the report and creates an easier environment for the User building the report as unnecessary elements are not available to add as result objects or Query filters. The Manage Report Universes page will display any custom Universes created by Users in the Site and standard Universes.

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click "Reports." Then select "Manage Report Universes."

You will see the following options:

  1. Build New Universe - As described below.

  2. Custom and Standard Universe tabs - Move between Universes that come standard with the software and Universes created by your Enterprise.

  3. Search and filter Universe name, description, subject area, date last flattened, and Enterprise level.

  4. Once the Universe has processed, a rocket ship icon will display on the right side of the Universe name, indicating it can be launched. Processing time can vary from a few hours to overnight - the time varies based on how many other Universes are in the queue and how many elements are in the Universe.

  5. Flattening Universes on Demand  - Universes can be manually flattened for the changes to display in the Universe. For example, if a new element is added to a TouchPoint, any Universes containing the TouchPoint can be manually flattened so the new element can be reported on. To flatten the Universe, click the green arrows under the Date Last Flattened column. 

  6. Edit - This function will navigate through the same steps as creating a new Universe but any changes made will apply to the current Universe. Subject Area and the Universe name cannot be changed. In addition, focus areas cannot be removed, only hidden. Hidden focus areas still count against the 20 form limit. Adding focus areas to a Universe typically takes about 5 minutes to process.

  7. Copy - When copying a Universe, confirm that the same Focus Areas should be included and add any additional Focus Areas necessary. The Subject Area will default to be identical to the original Universe. Edit the name as appropriate.

  8. Details - This function will display important information about the Universe including: Universe name, description, subject area, who created/updated the Universe, and when it was last updated. A list of all reports currently using this Universe. An audit trail of the time and User for each change made to the Universe. A history of the Universe’s flattenings.

  9. Disable - Once a Universe is disabled, it will not appear on the Manage Report Universes screen unless the Show Disabled box in the upper right hand corner of the Manage Report Universes page is checked. If a Universe is disabled on the Manage Customer Universes screen, reports built on the disabled universe will still run. 

  10. Delete - This action permanently deletes a Universe. If any reports are using this Universe, it will not be possible to delete the Universe.

  11. The Universe is in the processing queue. During this time, the Universe will not be available to create reports. While the Universe is processing, a spinning circle will display to the right of the Universe Name. 

Step 2 – Click the Build New Universe button at the top of the page.

Step 3 – Select the subject area from the drop-down menu. Then click the Next button.

  • NOTE: General TouchPoints can only be reported on by using a GENERIC Universe type. 

Step 4 – Check the boxes next to the desired Focus Areas.

  • The Focus Areas provide additional information about the Subject Area selected. 

  • Some Focus Areas will be auto-selected based on the selected Subject Area.

  • More than one Focus Area may be selected. 

  • As Focus Areas are selected, they will appear in the table on the right side of the screen. You can remove them by unchecking or clicking the X.

  • You also have the ability to select unflattened Collections and TouchPoint data.

Step 5 – Click the “Include Flattened Participant Demographics” box to include Participant demographics in the Universe. 

Step 6 – At the bottom of the page, select up to 20 TouchPoints and/or Collection Types by checking the boxes.

  • If you selected TouchPoints (Unflattened) at the top, will not be able to select TouchPoints in this step.

  • If you selected Collections (Unflattened) at the top, will not be able to not select Collection Types in this step.

  • The table to the right will continue to display items that have been added to the Universe as TouchPoints and Collection Types are added.

  • You will only see TouchPoint/Collection Types that you have permission to manage or manage security for.

  1. Move between TouchPoints and Collection Types by clicking on the appropriate tab.

  2. Search and filter by name, subject type, and tags.

Step 7 – Once all the Focus Areas have been selected, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen. 

Step 8 – Give the Universe a unique Universe Name and Universe Description in the text boxes.

  • Keep in mind the name and description is what will appear when selecting the Universe from the list of all Universes in your Enterprise or Site.

  • The name must be unique and cannot be changed once saved.

Step 9 – If the new Universe should be accessible throughout the Enterprise, check the “This Universe should be available across the Enterprise” box and the Universe will be available to all Sites across the Enterprise.

  • If this box is not checked, the Universe will only be available in the Site in which the Universe is created.

Step 10 – Click the Save button.

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