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ETO Connect | TouchPoint Permissions

#Connect #Touchpoints #Limitations Manage TouchPoint permissions in Connect separately from TouchPoint Form Security in ETO

Updated over a week ago

Please check out "TouchPoints in Connect" to see our best practices for building TouchPoints for ETO Connect.

TouchPoint permissions in Connect are independent of Security permissions set for the same forms in ETO.

*ETO TouchPoint permissions should be set so that Enterprise Managers can at least Add/Edit Participant responses*

TouchPoint permissions are found in the Participant Permissions page of the ETO Connect admin features. Permissions are set Site by Site; the list of Sites notes the number of TouchPoint forms that may be used. 

Within each Site, permissions differ Program by Program, and options are restricted to View and/or Add TouchPoint responses.


Step 1:  From ETO Connect, click on Participant Permissions. 

Step 2: To set TouchPoint permissions for a site, click the Update button and a list of TouchPoints will appear.

Step 3: Click the plus button next to the TouchPoint Name.

Step 4: A list of programs will appear where the TouchPoint can be recorded.  

  • Check the Add box to allow participants to record the TouchPoint.  

  • Click the View Box to allow participants to View responses to the TouchPoint. 

  • (Note: if this box is checked, participants will be able to see TouchPoints responses recorded by users in ETO in addition to responses they enter themselves via ETO Connect)

NOTE: Add permission can be granted without view permissions; ETO Connect users (Participant) will be able to submit new TouchPoint responses, but will not be able to view them.

Step 5: (Optional)

The TouchPoint form can be renamed by clicking on the Alias section.  For TouchPoints with lengthy or technical names, an alias can make working with TouchPoints easier for participants. 

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