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My Favorites | Adding Links to My Favorites

#FAQ Links, Favorites, Action Links, Participant fly-out box

Updated over a week ago

"My Favorites" allows you to create shortcuts to the features or reports of ETO software you use most frequently. It is recommended that "My Favorites" be set up to store links that are not on the Home Page. For example, many Users access features that are shared across all Users through the Home Page, but will use "My Favorites" for links that are exclusive to their own data entry. "My Favorites" is also a great place to add links to reports.

Administrators have the ability to specify whether a link is for their own “personal” use or should be available to all Users by “default.”

Note: Users with the role Department Head or lower can only set personal favorites.

Add Links: 

Step 1 – Click on "My Favorites" from top of the Navigation Bar.

Step 2 – Click the "Add Feature" button.

You will have the following options:

  1. Clear all Links from personal Favorites - Click this link to remove all person links from your "My Favorites" page.

  2. Clear all Links from Default Program Favorites - Click this link to remove all links from the "My Favorites" page across the Program.

  3. Component - Check the box in the component column to select ALL features in that component.

  4. Feature - Check the box next to the individual features you would like to add to the "My Favorites page.

  5. Set Status for All Favorites to - Administrators can select whether the favorite is personal (just for you) or default (for all Users in the selected Program only). Click the Go button to populate all selected features to that status.

  6. Status - Set the default/personal status on a feature by feature basis.

  7. Rename - Click on the name of the feature to change the name of it. A text box will appear where you can input your custom name.

Add Custom Report or Query

  1. Here the list of features is comprised of either custom reports or shared queries.

  2. You may add reports here the same way you would in "Add Feature".

  3. Adding a report from this list as default will allow all Users to see the report regardless of their User role.

Add Standard Report

  1. The list of features generated here are the same standard reports that you would find in "View Reports".

  2. You may add reports here the same way you would in "Add Feature".

  3. Adding a report from this list as default will allow all Users to see the report regardless of their User role.

Add Drop Down Link

  1. Selecting a feature from this list will add that feature to the Fly-Out box that appears when you Quick Search for a Participant.

  2. Selection of the feature is the same as in "Add Feature".

  3. To check your work, use Quick Search to find a Participant.

  4. Click on their name.

  5. You should now see the new feature in the Fly-Out box.

Selecting "Personal" will apply the setting to your own account. Selecting "Default" will apply the setting to all Users in the Site

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