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Batch Upload | Participant Housing

#Enterprise #Housing

Updated over a week ago

Batch Upload Tips:

  1. Check Securities. Is this an action you can take in ETO? Do you have proper securities to allow you to record/edit/update TouchPoint or Participants?

  2. Start Fresh. Download a fresh template for Batch Uploads. Copy and Paste data without formatting,

  3. Double Check Data. Complete all required fields, duplicate check information, make sure dates are accurate, double-check data

  4. Test. Upload 1-2 rows of test data to ensure a proper upload

  5. Upload. We do not recommend uploading over 600 rows at once. Larger files may take longer to process.

Participant Housing

This option allows users to add new Housing Stays or add an End Date to existing Housing Stays.

Note: This feature is not meant to edit historical Stays, or delete erroneous Stays.

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click on "Site Administration". Then select "Batch Upload".

In the Side Navigation, select Site Administration then Batch Upload

Step 2 – Under the "Generate Template" heading, select "Participant Housing" from the drop-down menu and then click the "Generate Template" button.

Participant Housing selected from the Template Type dropdown menu

Step 3 – A prompt will appear. Select "Open" to open the spreadsheet template.

Select the Open button from the prompt that appears in your web broswer

Step 4 – Enter your information into the spreadsheet and then hit save.
Be sure to delete the sample information and the instructions listed on the spreadsheet.

Participant Housing Batch Upload Template

  • A spreadsheet will open with columns that match ETO's default Duplicate Check Settings (First Name, Last Name, SSN). If you are not using these Duplicate Check Settings, please change them to match the settings in your Site. Include a # at the beginning of each to note them as Duplicate Check Settings. Example: #First Name, #Last Name, #Case Number.

  • If including SSN or SIN, this number must not include dashes (-) or spaces. Example: 123121234

  • If using DOB, or Date of Birth, the year must be 4 digits. Example: 2021.

  • If you are missing a Duplicate Check Setting, you will receive an error like the one below:

Error displayed when missing a Duplicate Check Setting: Could not find column
  • When adding an End Date to a Stay, the Participant information and the Start Date must match exactly. If the Participant information matches, but the Start Date does not, the Batch Upload will insert a new Stay.

Step 5 – Under the "Upload File" heading, select "Participant Housing" from the drop-down menu. Then click the "Select file" button.

Select Participant Housing in the Select Type drop down menu, then click the Select File button.

Step 6 – Find the file you wish to upload from your computer and click the Open button. Once it is ready, it will display "Done" with a green checkmark. Click the "Begin Upload" button.

  • It is important that the data to be uploaded is in the first worksheet. Only the data in the first worksheet will be uploaded.

  • For example, if there are 3 worksheets (which is often the case), the one farthest to the left is considered to be the first worksheet. Only the data on this worksheet will be uploaded.

You will not be prompted with a message that your file was sent for processing. The Batch Upload file will appear in the In Progress tab, or the Complete tab, with a Batch Upload Type of LegacyHousing. Clicking on the File Name of the Batch Upload will provide more details about the rows that were successfully added or not.

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