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API | ADD or EDIT a Participant


Updated over a week ago

This article will be a brief overview of how to use the API to add a new Participant or edit an existing one.

  1. If editing an existing Participant, you can use the GET /API/Actor.svc/participant/{participantID} endpoint to gather existing Participant information, including the Participant Site ID and any demographic-related IDs (CDID or other)

  2. Input the below information:

    • Enterprise GUID

    • Security Token

    • For the SaveParticipantWrapper, you only need the fields relevant to your ETO Site.

Your request body may end up looking something like the one below:

"FirstName": "Takumi",
"LastName": "Fujiwara",
"DateOfBirth": "/Date(-441918000000-0500)/",
"CDID": ####,
"value": "Test",
"CharacteristicType": #
"SiteID": ##,
"ProgramID": ###,
"ID": #####


  • For custom demographics, you typically would need to include the CDID along with the Value and at least one other attribute.

  • We recommend filling out any demographic values your agency has marked for Duplicate Check or Required, as this will help to avoid possible errors.

  • If inserting a new Participant, you can omit the "ID" field. The ID field will always be the Participant Site Identifier, not the Case Number, as they can sometimes be different values.

  • You may run into an error stating that a duplicate check error occurred. Please ensure that you fill out the SiteID, ProgramID, and ID fields with the proper values, along with your other demographic values.

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