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PCCD - Appendix 20. VOCA Mapping


Updated over 2 years ago

VOCA recipients must keep confidential records on each crime victim that receives services. There is a required set of data known as Victim Assistance Program Performance Measures that must be reported to PCCD on a quarterly basis. PCCD also conducts program audits on a random basis and VOCA recipients will be asked to provide data backup to reaffirm the data reported to PCCD. At a minimum, the following information must be recorded and retained for VOCA reporting purposes.

Victims Served

A Victim is a person who has suffered physical, sexual, financial or emotional harm as the result of a crime. They can be a primary or secondary (significant other) victim of the crime. A Victim is considered NEW only one time during the entire fiscal year. The first reporting period that the Victim received VOCA services from your agency, they are reported as NEW. If they receive VOCA services from your agency in a subsequent quarter, they will be counted as CONTINUING. Even if a Victim returns with a different Victimization Type in the same fiscal year, they are counted as Continuing.

PCCD has established July 1st as the start of a new Fiscal Year for VOCA reporting purposes, regardless of the start date of a VOCA funded project. [Example: If your project started in April, ALL victims would be considered NEW for your first reporting period of April – June. Anyone who receive services from July – September would also be listed as NEW even if they already received services during the prior quarter, because everyone is considered NEW at the beginning of the new fiscal year.]

Victim Demographics

Provide demographic information for each NEWVictim only. Do not report demographic information for returning Victims. The total number of Victims in each demographic category should equal the number of NEW Victims reported. If you enter a Victim under the category of Not Reported, you are indicating that the Victim did not provide you with the requested information.

Victimization Type & Special Classification

Direct Services

Victim Compensation Assistance Instructions: Count the number of individuals who received assistance with completing a victim compensation application during the reporting period, even if they did not submit the application. Note: Simply providing an individual with an application does NOT quality as assistance.

Public Presentations

Victim Service Programs are allowed to use VOCA funding to provide Public Presentations. A Public Presentation does not include prevention education activities. The purpose of the Public Presentation is to help crime victims self-identify and refer them to available resources.

Annual Reporting Questions

You will be asked to respond to the following questions on an annual basis during the July – September reporting period.

DEFINITIONS: Victimization Types

DEFINITIONS: Direct Services

DEFINITIONS: Demographics

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