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ETO Results | Input Controls

BO 4.3 Platform

Updated over a week ago

This article describes how to set up input controls and how they are used to filter within a report, as well as input control groups.

Single Input Controls

Step 1

When in the "Edit" mode of a report, go to the "Filter" icon under the Analyze section. This makes the Manage Filters button available

Step 2

Click the Manage Filters button, and choose "New Input Control" to add an input control to your report.

Step 3

Select the Object you would like to filter on.

Step 4

Choose a Control Type that will define how the options are displayed.

  • Operator determines if the data from the object should be included or excluded

  • Choose if there should be a restricted list of values

  • Choose if there should be a sort and if it should be ascending or descending

  • Decide if you would like a default value to be selected when a user opens the report. To change the default value, click on the drop-down and choose Select value.

  • Depending on the control type, there may be an option for the number of lines that are displayed at one time. To change this, click on the number of lines and use the arrows to increase or decrease the number. Or a minimum and maximum value for a Spinner or Slider type.

  • Once the properties are filled out, click Next.

  • Choose what you would like the input controls to filter, whether it is the entire report, one tab of the report, or one table on the page.

Step 5

Once this is selected, click Ok.

Step 6

Your input control will appear and you can select you values you would like to filter by.

Input Control Groups

Grouped Input Controls allow input controls to be grouped together and when a single value is selected for 1 control, the others show all values per that data set. For example, if you have input controls grouped for the demographics Marital Status, Age, and Zip Code, and you choose a Zip Code, you'll see all Marital Statuses and Ages for that Zip Code. From there, the data of the other filters will be limited by what is available from the Zip Code filtering.

Step 1

Making a group starts the same as creating an individual input control, but a selection must also be made for if the group will apply to the whole document or the current report.

Step 2

Name the group, and add the controls. There must be a minimum of 2 controls to create a group

Step 3

Repeat the steps to choose settings as you would for an individual input control. Some settings are unavailable to customize due to being part of group control. These will be marked with a yellow i.

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