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Legacy | Manage Funds

#Legacy Program Administration, Funds

Updated over a year ago

Default User Role: Program Manager

Funds are a great place to keep track of money that is set aside for the specific purpose of being provided to Participants or Entities. In addition, Funds can be used to track physical items that are provided to Participants or Entities, such as furniture or appliances. Funds can be scoped to the Program, Site, or Enterprise level.

This image below is of the Manage Funds page in a demonstration Site, which contains Funds that have been debited, credited, and disbursed.  Note that there is a balance for the amount available and amount disbursed for the Monetary Fund, but not the Physical Item Funds:

Configuring Funds & their Assets

Step 1 – Click the "New" button to add a Fund.

Step 2 – Enter the Fund Information.

The following fields/options preceded by asterisks are required:

  • *Fund Name

  • *Fund Recipient Type

  • *Allow disbursement to exceed Fund Threshold

  • *Scope

  • *Enabled

"Fund Threshold" can be compared to a bank notifying a customer when their account balance falls below a specified amount (so that it can be replenished to prevent overdrawing). The "Participant Thresholds" are used by Programs that limit the total amount of Funds a Participant is eligible to receive. 

  • Funds can only be made available for Entities or Participants, not both.

  • Fund and Participant Thresholds are not required, but if entered, a warning will pop up for the User disbursing the Fund that triggers the Threshold amount.

  • By default the Fund is enabled, but can be disabled by selecting "No".

When a Fund is edited, a similar screen will appear, except that Fund Type will not be visible as it cannot be edited once selected and saved, and the Amount Available and Disbursed will be shown.

Step 3 – Once a Fund has been added, the User will be automatically directed to the "Fund Management" page.

Step 4 – From here, the Fund may be Debited or Credited.

Before Funds can be disbursed, a balance must be credited to the Fund. To populate the Source drop-down menu, Add New Entity with the Entity type Funding Source.

Step 5 – Assets may be added by clicking the New button toward the bottom of the Fund Management screen.

Tracking Number may be set to Required, Not Required, or Do Not Show. Customers who track non-monetary Assets may find it helpful to use tracking numbers to handle inventory. In this scenario, it may be useful to enter the Grocery Card barcode in the Tracking Number. Note that Tracking Number will not appear on the Voucher report that generates after the Fund is Disbursed.

Edit Assets

Click "Edit" to the right of an Asset to modify the name, to select Tracking Number settings, or to disable/enable.   

View/Edit Funds

The View page includes the amount Available for both Monetary and Physical Item Funds. It also lists transaction (disbursements, debits, credits) details. In addition to be informational, this page is functional and includes options to enter Debits, Credit, and Edits to the Fund. Assets can be added and edited. Transactions including debits, credits , and disbursements appear at the bottom of the page and can be edited and deleted. Debits and Disbursements appear in red font to signify negative value.

On the Manage Funds "Fund Management" page, click "View" to:

  • Debit or Credit the Fund

  • Edit the Fund Information (Fund Name, Thresholds, or to Disable/Re-enable)

  • Edit existing Assets (Asset Name, Tracking Number setting, or to Disable/Re-enable)

  • Add new Assets

  • View Transactions and Edit & Delete

After a disbursement is made from an Enterprise-scoped Fund, any User in that Enterprise with access to the Manage Funds page can view the voucher for it. 

On the "Fund Management" page, click "Edit" to directly:

  • Edit the Fund Information (Fund Name, Thresholds, or to Disable/Re-enable)

Users can edit vouchers recorded by any other User of a lower role and they can edit their own vouchers. They cannot edit vouchers recorded by other Users of the same role or higher.

Enabling Fund Disbursement

Funds are disbursed through the Participant or Entity Efforts features. A column is on the right of the Manage Point of Service screen: "Show Disburse Asset Button". By default, the setting is "No". Click "No" to change the value to "Yes". If all POS elements within a Composite have been set to "Yes - Show Disburse Asset Button", the button will appear when the Composite is recorded. Keep in mind that if the Show Disburse Asset Button is turned on, enabled Funds must be present for Assets to be disbursed.

NOTE: Assets can only be disbursed through a single Participant or Entity Efforts (including Service Plans & Participant Match Efforts), not other features such as Multiple Participant or Entity Efforts or Record Attendance.

Disbursing Funds

Go to record Participant Efforts with a Point of Service where the Show Disburse Asset Button has been set to yes. After entering the Effort data, click the save button to the far right: “Record Effort & Disburse Asset.”

Select the Fund, Asset, and the Amount disbursed. If applicable, select Vendor and enter in a tracking number. Vendors are added to the drop-down menu by adding Entities with the type Vendor via the Add New Entity feature. Click "Add" to enter another Asset being disbursed, or "Remove" to delete the current Asset. Once all Assets have been added, click the save in the bottom right corner (not pictured here).

Voucher Report

After the Asset is saved, two copies of a Crystal report will generate with the Voucher details. The Participant Case Number is included in the report to the right of the P:. The number that appears in the box in the upper right corner is sequentially assigned as Assets are disbursed.  Note that tracking number does not appear on the report. There is also a section labeled "Details:" which will include information about the attached Effort Qualifier and Effort Qualifier value. There are two copies of the report so that there is one the Participant, and another for the Program.

After an Asset is disbursed, the Manage Funds page will reflect the updated balance for Monetary Funds.

Building Queries Containing Funds

For more generic Fund related queries, select the Funds subject on Step 1. There are 3 Fund Focus Areas:

  1. Fund (Fund Id, Fund Name, Threshold, Site ID, Audit Staff ID, Audit Date)

  2. Fund Asset (Fund Asset Name, Fund Asset Disabled, Show Tracking Number, Tracking Number Required)

  3. Fund History Information (Amount, Date Disbursed, Tracking Number, Participant Name, Point of Service, Vendor, Staff Name, Type of Fund)

For more detailed Participant specific queries, select the Participant subject on Step 1 and Asset Fund History on Step 2:

  • Asset Fund History (Amount, Contact Location, Date of Contact, Date Disbursed, Fund Asset Name, Fund Asset Unique ID, Fund Name, Fund Unique ID, Outcome Name, Staff Name, Vendor Details, Vendor Name, Participant Threshold, Type of Fund, Fund Threshold)

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