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Legacy | Manage Point of Service


Updated over 11 months ago

To manage your Enterprise's points of service, please go to "Program Administration" on the Navigation Bar, then select "Manage Point of Service".

Default User Role: Program Manager

This feature allows the ETO Administrator to update and modify aspects of any Point of Service element in the current program. New Point of Service elements can be added through the Point of Service Wizard.

Re-Order Point of Service elements
Click this link found in the top center of the screen to change the sequence in which POS elements appear in the drop box when users are recording efforts. This is achieved by selecting “Re-order” and the type of POS at the top of the Manage Point of Service screen. Select the type of POS you would like to reorder and then adjust the numbering as necessary. Click “Submit New Order” to complete.

Filter Point of Service elements

Click this link found in the top center of the screen to filter which POS are displayed on your “Manage Point of Service” screen. This is helpful if you have a large number of POS elements in your program.

Manage Points of Service

In the upper right corner, there's a button to access the Point of Service Wizard, and to Start Over, which will return the view of the page to the default, meaning any reordering or filtering of POS elements will be undone.

The following column headers appear from left to right:

  • Point of Service Name: Click “Show Disabled elements” to edit items. Any element shown in blue has a description available by hovering over the POS name. The description can be edited or added by clicking Update.

  • Focus: A POS Element can be focused on Participants, Entities or General (See: Point of Service Wizard for more detail). Click on the word Composite to view a list of POS elements currently linked in that composite.

  • Type: The type of an POS element determines what type of information is recorded. This cannot be changed after a POS element is created.

  • Time Recorded: Here you can change whether ETO Software™ will require the user to enter the amount of time spent on a particular effort or activity. Click on “Yes” or “No” to change this setting.

  • Status: Once an element is established in ETO Software™ for a particular program, it can be enabled or disabled as necessary. Disabling an element prevents staff from working on it but does not eliminate the data from the software. If an element has been disabled, you can Enable it so staff can work on it again.

  • Shared: This option only applies to Enterprise or Professional versions of ETO software®. If your site is making referrals to other sites on your enterprise and you wish to share the information recorded on POS elements in your site with your partner site, you must “Share” any POS element you want them to view. The site accepting the referral will then be able to see data on those POS elements using the View Other Sites Information link at the bottom of the View/Edit Participant screen for the referred participant. Any POS data that should not be shared with another site should not be marked as Shared.

  • Remove From To Do: This designates whether or not a user can remove a follow-up item for a specific POS element from their To Do List. There may be some elements which the Site Administrator does not want to allow their staff to remove as this would eliminate the need to follow-up on the item. The current setting is displayed here and can be toggled to Yes or No by clicking on the current setting.

  • Last Updated: This helpful field tells you when an element was last edited and hovering over the date shows the time of day when it was edited and the staff person who did this.

  • Click Update to edit several aspects of a POS element described in detail below.

  • Copy: This helpful button allows you to copy an existing POS element to create a new POS element with a different name and the same setup.

  • Next Contact Time: Indicate whether you want ETO Software™ to display a “Time of Next Contact” box with the POS element. This will allow users to select a specific time of day for their follow-up in addition to the standard Date of Next Contact that populates a To Do List. In general, indicate “No” if the POS element is part of a Composite or records daily attendance.

  • Efforts Separated: Indicate “No” if the POS element is part of a Composite. Otherwise, make sure “Yes” is displayed. Click on the current setting (Yes or No) to change this. Indicating “Yes” will allow for data to be entered on the POS element individually, as well as within the Composite.

  • Billable: This is a historical feature that will be deleted from this page.

  • Hide Point of Service Elements in a Composite: If hidden, toggles will appear on the Record Efforts screen, making it easier to enter data on busy screens containing several Point of Service elements or Effort Qualifiers. Data will still be required in yellow (indicating required) fields if hidden before saving the screen.

  • Show Disburse Asset Button: This option is only functional if fund information has been set up on the Manage Program Funds page. It's a good idea to add Funds and Assets prior to enabling the Disburse Asset button. If set to yes, a 4th save button will show on the bottom of the Participant Efforts page: Save & Disburse Asset. If a Point of Service element is being recorded as part of a Composite, this button will only show up if all POS elements in the Composite are set to yes.

Update Point of Service

  • Name: Changing the name will update all historic data entered on that POS element and should only be done after considering the effects of the edit.

  • End Date: this is not commonly used and will automatically disable the element from use on the selected date.

  • Category: This field populated by the Site Administrator under Manage Feeder Tables can be used to group several POS elements into one category for querying or custom reporting purposes.

  • Description: This optional field allows the Administrator to define an element or provide hints for the user that can be viewed by hovering over the element name when recording an effort.

  • If Yes/No or Attendance: “Aggregate” determines if all “yes” responses are added together for an individual participant for reporting purposes. The “Attendance” check box allows you to change an attendance POS element to a regular “yes/no” POS element instead.

  • If Values: Existing values can be edited or disabled. Edits to existing values will affect all historical information and should be considered carefully before changes are made. The user can also Add a New Item to the list of values using the box at the bottom of the screen, or re-order existing values using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. Click Submit New Order to submit ordering changes. Values that are weighted show in weight order from smallest to largest.

  • Entity Match: Checking the box will allow efforts on this POS element to be made with a participant and an Entity Contact matched with the participant through the Participant Match feature. This is not a commonly used feature – typically used for organizations providing mentoring or tutoring services. (See Point of Service Wizard and Participant Match for additional details)

  • Submit to save any changes made to the POS element.

Update Composite Point of Service

Click Update for Composites where the following options are available:

  • Name: The name of the composite can be edited. This will affect all historical data associated with the composite and should be considered prior to making a change.

  • Point of Service elements for Current Composite: The name(s) of the POS elements within the composite can be edited from this page. Any edits made here will affect all historical data on efforts within the composite and with the POS element individually and should be considered prior to making a change. POS elements within the composite can be “disabled” within the composite without affecting the status of the POS element in general. POS elements labeled as “Unable to change status” have been disabled through Manage Point of Service and cannot be updated from the Composite screen.

  • Click Submit to save changes in the name of the POS element (s) or status.

  • Link POS elements into Current Composite: Additional POS elements can be added to the composite by selecting them from the “available POS elements” list on the left hand side and moving them to the right using the arrows in the middle. Existing POS elements can be reordered using the Move Up and Move Down buttons below the list of POS elements and clicking Continue to Step 2.

  • After clicking Continue to Step 2, users will have the option to adjust the ability to record time within the composite and determine if the POS elements within the composite should be made available to record individually in addition to being recorded within the composite (this is not common).

Attaching Effort Qualifiers 

Effort Qualifiers (EQs) are created with the Manage Effort Qualifiers feature and may be attached to Points of Service via the Manage Point of Service or Point of Service Wizard features.

Begin by checking the EQs to attach.  In the order column, type numbers in to determine the sequence of the EQs as they will appear on the Record Efforts screen.

Determine if the Last Value of the EQs should be Remembered.  For example, if the EQ is capturing Goal, it probably makes sense to Remember Last Value so that each time a user Records and Effort containing that EQ, a Participant who has had a Goal entered will include that information.

If your site has configured the Manage Site Funds or Manage Program Funds feature and the EQ data should Show on Voucher, check that box.

Determine if the EQ should be required within the selected Point of Service.  If the EQ was set to be required for all Outcomes on the Manage Effort Qualifiers screen, this box may be checked and grayed out.

Determine if the EQ should be available for Single Participant Efforts, Multiple Participant Efforts, or both.  Keep in mind that like the Contact Location Method feeder table that appears on the Record Efforts screens, the EQ value that is entered will be applied to each of the Multiple Participants selected.  If the EQ responses need to be individualized, do not select Multiple Participant.

Determine if the EQ should appear in Single (stand along) Points of Service, Composite Points of Service, or check both.  Note that if Composite is selected, a conditional setting will appear - Determine if the EQ should appear for each POS within the Composite, or just Once for the Composite as a whole.

Note that it's not possible to have a mixture of Composite settings for EQs attached to the same Composite.  If both choice types are selected, the Show Only Once will override the Show for Each.

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