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ETO Results | Reporting Terms Glossary

BO 4.3 Platform

Updated over a week ago

When you begin working in ETO Results you will begin to see and hear some unfamiliar words and phrases. This article will help you learn the definitions for some of the more common Results Objects.

  • Column: All of the data in a vertical line within a table.

  • Details: These appear as green pinwheels and represent fields within an Object.

  • Dimension: Appear as blue pinwheels. Data that is representative of something in ETO.

  • Filters: Appear as red funnels. These allow the User to narrow data results.

  • Flattened Data: Data stored in individual records. Flattened data should be used when reporting on specific answers to questions. In some cases, flattened data is not updated live.

  • Formula: Logical equation that is used to calculate values and manipulate data in a report.

  • Inflated Data: Data that may be duplicated within a report.

  • Measures: These appear as orange slide rulers. They are grouped data based on Dimension data in a Universe.

  • Merged Dimension: An Object created within a report that connects multiple Queries together using a common field/Dimension.

  • Object: Any data point that exists within the report.

  • Prompt: When a User is asked to enter a value upon opening a report, this is called a prompt. A User can be prompted for any Object in a Universe – date, Participant, Site, Program, TouchPoint name, etc.

  • Queries: Tells a report what data to bring into the report. A report can have multiple Queries to include different data from a Universe or data from different Universes.

  • Row: All of the data in a horizontal line within a table. Typically, a row will contain all of the data for a single record (Participant, TouchPoint, Effort, etc.) and a column will contain all of the data for a single piece of information (all Participant names, all dates of birth, all answers to a TouchPoint question, etc.) but this is not always the case.

  • Row Aggregation: Identical values that may have been condensed by Webi into a single value.

  • Unflattened Data: All data in an Enterprise is stored in "Question/Answer" pair format. Unflattened data should be used when aggregating (totaling) data. Unflattened data is always updated in real-time.

  • Universe: This is where the data in the report is being retrieved from.

  • Variable: Any Object created within the report, usually by way of a Formula.

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