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Manage Attributes

#Entities Entity attributes

Updated over a week ago

Attributes are to Entities what Demographics are to Participants. Attributes appear on the Add New Entity and View/Edit Entity pages. ETO comes with a set of Standard Attributes which cannot be disabled.

The Manage Attributes feature allows you to manage both Standard and Custom Entity Attributes as well as functionality related to Entities.

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click "Site Administration". Then select "Manage Attributes".

Step 2 – You will see the following options/settings on the "Manage Attributes" tab:

  1. Standard Attributes – All standard attributes in the software. This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  2. Required – Standard Attributes can be made required by checking this box.

  3. Enterprise Attributes – All custom attributes at the Enterprise level. This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  4. Add New Attribute – See instructs for creating a new attribute below.

  5. Order – The order of the attributes can be changed by dragging and dropping the attributes into the order you prefer.

  6. Required – Check this box to make the attribute required.

  7. Disabled – Check this box to disable the attribute.

  8. Edit – Click this icon to edit the attribute.

  9. Site Attributes – All custom attributes at the Site level. This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  10. Program Attributes – All custom attributes at the Program level. This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  11. Save – Click this button any time changes are made to save them.

Step 3 – To create a new Custom Attribute, click the "+Add New Attribute" button under the correct level heading (Enterprise, Site, or Program).

Step 4 – Give the Attribute a name and select the Attribute Type from the drop-down menu.

Once an Attribute Type has been selected, it cannot be changed.

You will have the following options for attribute type:

  • Arbitrary Text - 100

  • Arbitrary Text Area - 8000 (cannot be used in quick search)

  • Boolean (cannot be used in quick search)

  • Date

  • Defined Text Values (cannot be used in quick search)

  • Entity Cross Reference (cannot be used in quick search)

  • Non-Exclusive Choices (cannot be used in quick search)

  • Numeric

  • Program Group (cannot be used in quick search)

  • Section Header (cannot be used in quick search)

Step 5 – Select the Entity type(s) from the drop-down menu and select the scope of the Attribute (Enterprise, Site, or Program).

Step 6 – If one of the following Attribute Types is chosen, you will need to enter values for the options:

  • Defined Text Values

  • Entity Cross Reference

  • Non-Exclusive Choices

Step 7 – Click the "Save" button to save any changes.

Step 8 – Click the "Set Duplicate Check Settings" tab.

Step 9 – Check the box in the "Set for Duplicate Check" column to make the system check against that Attribute for duplicates when adding new Entities.

Step 10 – Select how the the check should be performed: either looking for an "Exact Match" or a "Like" match.

Step 11 – Click the "Save" button to save any changes.

Step 12 – Click the "Entity Search Settings" tab. You will see the following settings.

  1. Default Search Attributes – All default search attributes in the software. This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  2. Allow Quick Search – Checking this box allows Users to search by this attribute in the quick search bar.

  3. Return with Quick Search – Checking this box returns results with this attribute. Both boxes need to be checked in order to work correctly.

  4. Standard Attributes – This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  5. Enterprise Attributes – This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  6. Site Attributes – This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

  7. Program Attributes – This heading can be toggled (+/-) to view the attributes in this category.

Note: Entity Cross Reference, Boolean, Defined Text Values, Non-exclusive choice, Program Group, and Section Header attribute types cannot be used in Quick Search.

Step 13 – Check both boxes next to an Attribute in order to allow the search to work correctly with the Attribute.

Step 14 – Click the "Save" button to save any changes.

Step 15 – Click the "Entity Contact Standard Attributes" tab. 

Step 16 – Check the box in the "Required" column to make an Attribute required for an Entity contact. Check the box in the "Disabled" column to disable the Attribute for Entity contacts.

Step 17 – Click the "Save" button to save any changes.

Quick-Reference Guide

  1. Navigation Bar > "Site Administration" > "Manage Attributes"

  2. On the "Manage Attributes" tab, you can set Standard Attributes to be required.

  3. On the "Manage Attributes" tab, you can create, make required, disable, or edit Enterprise, Site, or Program-level Attributes.

  4. On the "Set Duplicate Check Settings" tab, you can select Attributes to set for duplicate check and if they check for exact or like.

  5. On the "Entity Search Settings" tab, you can select which Default, Standard, Enterprise, Site, or Program Attributes are allowed for quick search and will return with quick search.

  6. On the Entity Contact Standard Attributes tab, you can select which Attributes are required or disabled for Entity contacts.

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