This report provides detailed information about all referrals for a specific Participant within the selected date range and the Participant's current enrollments.
Participant Name
Begin Date
End Date
Current Placements provides details on the Participant's current program enrollments and is sectioned by:
Program Name - Program(s) where the Participant is currently enrolled
Enrollment Date - Month, day, year that the Participant was enrolled
Days in Program - The number of days the Participant has been enrolled in the program
Program Services Provided - The services that the program provides as managed on the Manage Programs feature
Referral History summarizes the status of each referral made of the Participant within the date range as well as any redirects that were recorded for those referrals. This section is sectioned by:
Referral Form - The form used for the referral
Sending Program - The program making the referral
Sending Site - The site making the referral
Outbound User Sending the Referral - Name of the user who completed the referral form
Referral Date - The date the referral was made
Original Target Provider - The service provider (program/entity) to whom the referral was originally intended
Redirect Target Provider - The service provider to whom the referral was redirected to (this is blank if the referral was not redirected)
Inbound User Acting on Referral - The user in the receiving program who accept, rejected, or redirected the referral
Date Last Updated - The date of the last action taken on the referral
Referral Status - Pending, Redirected, Accepted, Rejected
Days Between Referral Date and Enrollment - The number of days between the date the referral was made and the actual date that the referral was accepted and the Participant enrolled into the program