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Check-In | Run Check-In Reports
Updated over a week ago

In order to properly display barcodes, you will need to download and install the following Font:

Step 2: Select “Save and Open”

Step 3: Select “Allow”

Step 4: Double click the ‘INSTALL.exe’ file from any Zip file extractor

  •  Depending on computer settings, this may need to be Run as Administrator

Step 5: Select "Run"

Step 6: Select “I agree with the above terms and conditions” and Select “Next”

Step 7: Select a destination of where you would like this to be saved, and select “Start”

Step 8: Select “OK” and the fonts will be successfully installed

Running the Reports

Once the fonts are downloaded, the barcode reports must be printed. This will give users a list of the barcodes that can be scanned for Participants or Collections.

For Participants:

There are two reports to run for Participant barcode information:

1) Barcode Labels Report

This report will have two options- the Barcode labels 10x3, which will print out to Avery S160 labels, and the Barcode labels 6x3,  which will print out on Avery label 3261s labels.

2) Participant Labels QR Report

This report will print out a QR code for each Participant that can be scanned by a mobile device.

Step 1: Access View Reports page. The ETO Check-In reports will be found in the ETO Check-In Reports section on the view reports page.

Run the Barcode Labels Report. Users can generate a list of Participant barcodes, narrowing down by Site and program. 

Choose prompts, and click "OK".  The first report tab will be the labels for Barcode Labels 10x3.  To access the barcode labels 6x3, click on the second tab. 

Step 2: Print labels and distribute to Participants for ID Cards to be scanned.

To run the Participant Labels QR Report, follow the same steps as above, but run that report.

For Collections:

There are two collections reports:

  1. Collection Labels Report

  2. Collection Labels QR Code Report

To scan for Collections, Users will first scan the Collection barcode (or Collection QR Code), and then each Participant barcode (or QR Code) to check the Participant in to the class session.

If attendance will be scanned for Collections, print out the Barcode Collections Report or the Collection Labels QR Code Report.

Follow the steps above to run and print the report.

Note: ETO Check-In is BarcodeSync compatible, meaning that if barcodes have already distributed barcode IDs to Participants, those will still work with the new ETO Check-In application.  

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