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Enterprise Enroll: Search Settings

#Enterprise This article explains the Search Settings for Enterprise Enroll. This feature is only applicable for Enterprise Managers.

Updated over a week ago

  1.  Click Search Settings (only available for Enterprise Managers and above)

  2.  Check/Uncheck Disable Family Search

    1. By default users will be able to search for Families. Disabling will only allow search to be for individual participants

  3. Check/Uncheck Hide "Sites currently enrolled" in search results

    1. By default "Sites" will show a list of sites participants are currently enrolled in

  4. Select Demographics that users should be able to Search when using Enterprise Enroll
    - These settings will apply to the whole Enterprise
    - Full Name is always included
    - A maximum of 4 demographics to search on may be selected.
    - A maximum of 6 demographics to display in search results may be selected. 

  5. Click Save 


  • Expected behavior of participants enrolled in Confidential Programs: search will return in Enterprise Enroll search displaying "enrolled" within site. (Specific program enrollment is not included)

  • When viewing a Participant's dashboard within site, Program enrollment will not display unless user has access to Confidential Programs.

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