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Release Notes | 20.14.0

Released 7/16/2020

Updated over a week ago


The following fixes are in this release:

  • ETOC-6761 - Bed Registry: Merging duplicates will no longer leave duplicates in the sub-actor list

  • ETOC-6896 – [Answer] and [Non-Exclusive Choice] now both clear from TouchPoint Responses when [Non-Exclusive Choice] is deleted

  • ETOC-7227 - Referral Settings: “Include participant information in confirmation email” now sends email with participant’s first name and last initial

  • ETOC-9506 - Passive Workflow is now properly qualifying participants

  • ETOC-9573 - Touchpoint alignment has been fixed


  • Based on HUD guidance, we added “HUD: ESG - CV” and “HUD: HOPWA - CV” as options to the 2.06.1 Funding Source in the Project Descriptor Data Elements TouchPoint.

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