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Dashboards | Dynamic Report Links


Updated over a week ago

Creating a report link on a dashboard can improve end-user capabilities, speed, and efficiencies.

Although support does not provide complex HTML assistance we do have some guidelines for creating dynamic links that will allow you to launch reports from a Participant, collection, or entity dashboard.

Participant Report

Step 1: Set up the report

Make sure your report is saved to a Site or Enterprise folder where end-users can access it.

The only prompts on your report should be [Participant Site Identifier] = "autoPID"

You can have other filters on the report. They just cannot be prompted values.

Internet Explorer

In View Report (NEW), find your report and right-click the link to the report.

Click on "Properties" to access the report's URL. Highlight and copy the URL listed.


In View Report (NEW), find your report and right-click the link to the report. Click on "Copy Link Address"

Step 3: The Dashboard Message (Standard):

If the report includes no prompts, you can simply add the link as a hyperlink to any text.

  1. First, enter the text that you would like to display on the Dashboard Message. Typically this is the Report's name, but it can be abbreviated or named differently than what is seen in ETO Results

  2. Highlight the text and then click on the "Insert Link" icon

3. Insert the link you copied into the URL section, confirm the Link Text you would like to display on the Dashboard Message, and finally choose a Target. Typically the Target is set to New Window as it will allow you easy access to the UI while having the report open.

4. Your report link is ready to go! 

Step 3: The Dashboard Message (Dynamic)

This link type can be used on reports that have prompts like "Participant Site ID", "Collection ID", of "Entity ID".

You will edit the dashboard message in the HTML

Example 1: Participant Dashboard: 

<p><a href="target="></a><a href="#" onclick="
var reportid = '######'
var modules = '/Modules/Reporting/ViewWebiReport.aspx?reportId=';
var prompts = '&prompt0=lsSautoPID&lsSautoPID=';
var setid = {ETO:ActorID};
opendocumentURL = modules + reportid + prompts + setid;
if (reportid) {; }
window.focus();">View Participant Report</a></p>

  • Replace '######" with the Report ID of your report. 

  • This HTML is specific for Participant Dashboard reports with the object [Participant Site ID] Equal to "autoPID" 

  • The text in the HTML, "autoPID" can be replaced with your unique prompt name

Example 2: Collection



<p><a href="target="></a><a href="#" onclick="
var reportid = '######'
var modules = '/Modules/Reporting/ViewWebiReport.aspx?reportId=';
var prompts = '&prompt0=lsSautoCollectionid&lsSautoCollectionid=';
var setid = {ETO:ResponseSetID};
opendocumentURL = modules + reportid + prompts + setid;
if (reportid) {; }
window.focus();">View Collection Report</a></p>

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