Recent Internal Referrals shows the recent referrals from the Internal Referral Forms.
If the logged-in User does not have access to the destination Program of a Program referral, it will not appear on the Dashboard part. (Previously, referrals for any Program in the target Site would appear on the Dashboard part if they were not flagged as Confidential, even if the User did not have access). This is directly tied to the permissions set under "Manage User Accounts". If an end User does not have access to the Program that the Referral is being sent to, then the Referral will not show on the Dashboard. Please be sure to set the permissions for each of your end Users to ensure they have access to the correct referrals via the Dashboard part.
If the logged-in User does not have permission to view the referral form of a Program referral in their current Program, they will not be able to accept or reject the referral from the Dashboard part. (Previously, the User would be able to accept or reject any pending referral in their current Site). This is directly tied to the permissions set on the "View/Edit/Delete Own Responses" and "View/Edit/Delete Others' Responses" tabs under Security in Manage Referral Forms. If an end User is not set to view their own response for a Referral Form, it will not show on the Dashboard. If an end User is not set to view others' responses for a Referral Form, then others' referrals will not show on the Dashboard. Please be sure to set the permissions for each of your referral forms to ensure they are accessible via the Dashboard part.ย
Please note that at this time the Dashboard part will not show Site-to-Site recent referrals in the referring Site. Please use View/Edit Referrals to find this information.