The Entity Information dashboard part lists the name of the entity, the entity type, the entity sub-type, and contact information including the address and phone number. Information will not display unless provided.
This ETO Part is only available on the Entity Dashboard.
Step 1 - To edit the Entity Information part, click Edit Dashboard at the top of the page.
Step 2 - You can restore, minimize, disable, or edit the part by clicking on the associated icon.
Step 3 - When editing the part, you can re-title the part and set the layout. Click Apply to confirm any changes.
Chrome State: Normal will start the part immediately upon landing on the dashboard. Minimized may work best for dashboards that take a long time to load, but will require the user to expand the part if they wish to view the report.
Zone and zone index: Zone index is the ranking of the part in that zone, where zero is the closest to the top of the page.