Open Word
Select File
Select Options
3. Select "Advanced"
4. Set all Cut, copy, and paste settings to "Keep Text Only" and un-check the "Use smart cut and paste" setting.
5. Select "Proofing"
6. Click "AutoCorrect Options"
7. Select "AutoFormat"
8. Un-check "'Straight quotes' with 'smart quotes'"
9. Select "AutoFormat As You Type"
10. Un-check "'Straight quotes' with 'smart quotes'"
11. Copy and Paste from Word to ETO
Best Practices
If your computer gives you the option to "Paste without formatting" or "Paste as plain text", select that option.
You may also Copy/Paste into applications like Notepad to ensure all formatting is being stripped from the Word document.
Make sure you don't have any third-party spell-check or typing applications that may convert your text when copy/pasting.