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Batch Upload | Collections


Updated over a week ago

This option will allow you to either insert or update Collections of Participants or Entities of existing Collection types via Batch Upload.

Note: Collection Batch uploads are not TouchPoint responses. They are the Collection rosters themselves.

In-Depth Instructions

Step 1 – On the Navigation Bar, click on "Site Administration". Then select "Batch Upload".

Step 2 – Under the "Generate Template" heading, select "Collections" from the drop-down menu and then click the "Generate Template" button.

Step 3 – "Select a Collection Type" from the drop-down menu.

  • This list will be populated with the available Collection Types for your Site/Program.

Step 4 – Select the Upload Behavior, then click the "Generate Template" button. You will have three choices:

  • Upload each record as a separate response

  • Upload all records as the same response set (ad-hoc group)

  • Upload for a Collection

Step 5 – A prompt will appear. Select "Open" to open the spreadsheet template.

Step 6 – Insert your data into the template and save the spreadsheet.

User Batch Upload Template:

  • A spreadsheet will open with columns based on the fields that are required for a Collection Batch Upload:

  • Participant/Entity Identifier, First Name, Last Name, Duplicate Check Demographics/Attributes- Enter either the Participant/Entity ID or the participant's first/last name and the demographic used as the duplicate identifier. Required.

  • Site Name - The name of the site where this collection response is being recorded. Required.

  • Program Name - The name of the program where this collection response is being recorded. Required.

  • Collection Name - The name of the collection that the response is being collected for.

  • InsertOrUpdate - "Update" an existing collection response or "Insert"  a new one. This field is required.

  • Response ID - Necessary if you are updating an existing response. To find the Response ID, a report must be built in ETO Results. The Response ID is located in the Collection folder.

  • Collection Type Questions - The last few columns are the questions asked on the collection type form. Any questions marked as required in ETO are required in Batch Upload.

  • The file being uploaded may be saved at any time; be careful to remember where it is saved.

  • The file can be renamed based on the user's preference.

  • Valid file types for use with the Batch Upload feature are .csv and .xlsx.

  • Note that if the .csv is the selected file type, commas cannot be included in the file (use find/replace to eliminate commas).

Step 7 – Under the "Upload File" heading, select "Collections" from the drop-down menu. Then click the "Select file" button.

Step 8 – Find the file you wish to upload from your computer and click the Open button. Once it is ready, it will display "Done" with a green check mark. Click the Begin Upload button.

Step 9 – "Select a Collection type" for which the upload is for (the one you selected to make the template) and the Upload Behavior as before. Then click the "Continue" button.

Step 10 – The fields from the file and the corresponding ETO software field names will be listed on the page. Check to make sure that each field name matches up correctly between the file and ETO. If there are fields that are not matched correctly, select the correct match from the ETO software Field Names drop-down menu. When finished, click the "Continue" button.

Step 11 – Click the "Finish" button on the confirmation page. When the file has finished processing, an email will be sent to the address listed on the User account. 

  • The email address associated with the logged in User will receive an email confirmation once the file has been uploaded into ETO software. This email includes directions on how to retrieve the detailed upload log, as well as the number of records received and accepted. If your file has failed, please e-mail with details about the file.

Errors – If there is an error in your spreadsheet, you will be asked to insert the correct value or select it from the list of possible choices. Each question with a mismatch will be listed, with the "value uploaded" from the file, the number of records affected, and the possible choices. Select the correct choice from the list or select Do Not Upload from the list if there is not a matching choice. Then, click the Continue button. 

Success – If your file is successfully uploaded, you will see the information under the Complete tab at the bottom of the Batch Upload page. The upload type will be Collection.

If you click on the File Name, you will see the log details for the upload.

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