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Data Objects in the Identity Folder

Identifier, Family, Count #results

Updated over a week ago

Participant Enterprise Identifier:

A unique alpha-numeric ID generated by ETO Software to identify a single Participant in an Enterprise. If a Participant is Enterprise enrolled or referred from one Site to another on the same Enterprise, this identifier will remain the same in both Sites despite the Participant having a different Participant Site Identifier in each Site. If a participant who is the same person is added separately to two different Sites in ETO they will have different Enterprise Identifiers. They can be "linked" and given the same Enterprise Identifier by using the Enterprise Participants feature.  This field is the most reliable way to count unique Participants across the Enterprise.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

This field is the same as the Participant Global Unique Identifier in the Query Wizard.

Participant Site Identifier:

A unique ID generated by ETO Software each time a new Participant record is added to ETO through Add New Participant, Add New Family, Enterprise Enroll (from another Site) or Add Referral (from another Site). A Participant that exists in multiple Sites in ETO will have a different Site Identifier in each Site.  If you are attempting to count unique Participants across multiple Sites in ETO, the Participant Enterprise Identifier should be used.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

This field is the same as the Participant Unique Identifier in the Query Wizard. 


A printable version of a Participant's full name, first and last name. Names will appear last name first, with a comma separating them.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

  • Details: Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix

Case Number:

Number as it appears in ETO Software. Case Numbers can be auto-generated by ETO Software, in which case they will be identical to the Participant Unique ID. For organizations that create their own Case Numbers, this number will be distinct from the Participant Unique ID.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Site Name:

The name of the Site to which the Participant belongs. Participants with enrollment history in multiple Sites will return a row for each Site the Participant belongs to.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Assigned Staff:

The name of the Program staff assigned to a Participant, as indicated with the selection made for the demographic of the same name on the View/Edit Participant page.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Family Name:

The name of the family to which the Participant belongs. This corresponds to what is displayed on the Add/Edit Families page; it is distinct from the Last Name.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Family Enterprise Identifier:

A unique ID generated by ETO Software to identify a family in an Enterprise. If a Participant has enrollment history in more than one Site on an Enterprise, each Site will have a unique ID for the family. To report at the Enterprise level, use the Enterprise ID.  

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Head of Household:

Indicates with a 'True' or 'False' whether or not this Participant is the head of a household, as specified on the Add/Edit Families page.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Date Created:

Indicates the date that the Participant's demographics were first added to the Software. This date does not always reflect the date the Participant started in the Program.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Last Updated Date:

Indicates the date that the Participant's demographics were last updated. The date corresponds with the date listed in the top left of the View/Edit Participant page.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Date

Staff Adding/Updating:

Indicates the name of the staff account that most recently updated the Participant's demographics. The name corresponds with the staff name listed at the top left of the View/Edit Participant page.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Count of Enterprise Identifier:

Indicates the name of the staff account that most recently updated the Participant's demographics. The name corresponds with the staff name listed at the top left of the View/Edit Participant page.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Character

Non-Distinct Count of Enterprise Identifier:

Duplicated count of Participants on the Enterprise. Participants returning multiple rows in the Query results will be counted once for each row.

  • Object Type: Measure

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Number

Count of Participant Site Identifier:

Distinct count of Participants on the Site. Participants returning multiple rows in the Query results will be counted once.

  • Object Type: Measure

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Number

Non-Distinct Count of Site Identifier:

Duplicated count of Participants on the Site. Participants returning multiple rows in the Query results will be counted once for each row.

  • Object Type: Measure

  • Class Path: Identity

  • Data Type: Number

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