Common Functions
Functions are modifiers used to manipulate the data. These are predefined by the software itself and must be used to perform specific functions.
IsNull(): This is used to determine if the value of an Object is null. It will return true if the value is null, or False if the Object contains data
Sum(): Sums numeric data in a Formula
If/Then/Else(): This combination of functions is used together to compare different Objects and/or values to one another, using true/false logic
Count(): Provides a distinct count of Objects in a table
Min/Max(): Returns the minimum (min) or maximum (max) value of Objects in a table
If the data is numeric, this will return the lowest number.
If the data is text, it will return the first value alphabetically.
If the data is dates, it will return the earliest date.
Common Operators
Operators are logic-based mathematical commands that connect two or more parts of a Formula.
=: Equals
<>: Not equal to
+: Plus
-: Minus
< : Less than
> : Greater than
<= : Less than or equal to
>= : Greater than or equal to
Between: Returns any values that are within a list of specified values
InList: Returns any values that are within a list of specified values.