ETO conditional rules do not allow for logic like, "If A and (B or C or D) then D".
ETO conditional rules allow only for "If A and B and C then D" or "If A or B or C then D".
We have a workaround to allow for statements like "If A and (B or C or D) then D" which utilizes a three rule solution.
In our example we have two questions that, depending on the answers, qualify a message to display.
Ideally our red message only displays if
Is the Client receiving services elsewhere = "Some" or "None"
AND Does the client want to start services = "Yes"
This reads as: If ([A-1] = C or D) AND ([A-3] = Yes) then SHOW "This client qualifies.."
To work around this we created a fourth question.
Conditional Rule #1
If [A-1] = C OR D then Set Default for Read-Only [A-2] = 1
*Conditional Rule #2
If [A-1] = A OR B then Set Default for Read-Only [A-2] = 0
Conditional Rule #3
If [A-2] = 1 AND [A-3] = YES then Show Message
Now, when our Participants/Users complete the TouchPoint they will see the following.
This allows the AND and OR statements to function by tying them to a flag. In this example, A-2 is our flag. It is important to set conditional rules for A-2 so that it always displays as read only.
*You could also set A-2 to View Only instead of using a three variable solution. This would replace the second variable in our example.