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Dashboard Part | Query Wizard


Updated over a week ago

The Query Wizard dashboard part displays query results from saved queries that have been set to shared in the ETO Part Source Status column on the Manage Queries page.

For this feature to work properly, the Participant/Entity Unique Identifier must be selected to appear as a column in the query results. It is suggested that first and last name not be selected to save space within the ETO Part. Note that users who did not build the query may add it to a Participant or Entity Dashboard if the query has been set to share to their user role. 

For Group Dashboards, to limit query results to the group whose dashboard is currently being viewed, include the GroupID in the Query Wizard results prior to sharing the query for use on the dashboard.


This ETO Part appears on the following dashboards:

  • My Dashboard

  • Entity Dashboard

  • Group Dashboard

  • Participant Dashboard

  • Staff Dashboard

Using the Dashboard Part

Step 1 - Select the saved query that you would like to view on the dashboard from the drop-down.

Step 2 - You can work with the query results in much the same way you can with the Query Wizard itself:

  1. Click the blue arrow to open up the fly-out options for that participant. This is the same fly-out box you see when you quick search a participant.

  2. Filter the results by clicking the filter icon under the header.

  3. Clicking on the header of any of the columns will sort the grid based on that column. Click the header again to sort in the inverse order.

  4. Enter search terms into the box to filter the results.

  5. The user may also click and drag a column to insert it into a different part of the grid.

Step 3 - You can group data by dragging a header from the grid to the grey box that says "drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column."

  • Grouping is essentially counting records that are alike within the specified column.

  • You can expand or contract the groupings with the toggles (+/-).

Step 4 - Click the Refresh Data button to reset the data back to default (no filters, ordering, grouping, etc.)


Step 1 - To edit the Query Wizard part, click Edit Dashboard at the top of the page.

Step 2 - You can restore, minimize, delete, or edit the part by clicking on the associated icon.

Step 3 - When editing the part, you can re-title the part and set the layout. Click Apply to confirm any changes.

  • Chrome State: Normal will start the part immediately upon landing on the dashboard. Minimized may work best for dashboards that take a long time to load, but will require the user to expand the part if they wish to view the report.

  • Zone and zone index: Zone index is the ranking of the part in that zone, where zero is the closest to the top of the page.

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