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Manage Insights

#Enterprise How to manage ETO Insights elements and basic customization options

Updated over a week ago

*ETO Insight is not functional as of October, 2021. This note will be removed if and when this status changes.

ETO Insight further enhances Bonterra reporting options by providing our customers with the most intuitive interface for reporting on outcomes.  Insights are centered on a single outcome tracked as a numeric or weighted list element on a TouchPoint.  This tool was intended to put the power of data analysis in the hands of those best posed to leverage the information to inform and influence service through at a glance progress/change over time.  

The ETO Insight Dashboard Part encourages staff to leverage data by providing a graphical view of progress right alongside the documentation of their efforts to empower service recipients.  For example:  Adding an ETO insight to the Participant and/or Entity Dashboard staff will see progress towards the outcome for that single subject while on the staff dashboard the Insight will aggregate for all subjects assessed.  Insight can also be added to a collection dashboard giving users a view of outcome data for a specific cohort, family, or grouping of their service recipients.   

There is also the option to include “effort” information, where effort is the sum of time spent in the selected TouchPoints and/or the count of responses for the selected TouchPoints, to see how effort relates to the outcome over time.

An Insight provides a visual representation of an output or an outcome.

  • Outputs are the amount of services a client is receiving. Outputs are the direct results of an organization's activities and are usually counted. (Examples include: meals served, classes attended, hotline calls received)

  • Outcomes are the change or the transformation in a subject that occurs over the course of service delivery — outcomes can be thought of as the short and medium range impact that a program has on a participant or community. Outcomes can measure change in knowledge, attitude, or behavior that enhances a person's situation or the community as a whole.

The data on the left side of the screen is a preview that contains actual data based on the configuration settings selected. Please note the data is on a 1 hour delay.

Only TouchPoint elements that are numeric or a weighted list (including Yes/No) can be selected as an outcome.

Chart Type and Date Options


  • The Chart Name field is where the graph can be renamed (by default this will be set to the name).

  • The X Axis field is where the horizontal axis can be renamed (by default this will be "Period").

  • The Y Axis field is where the vertical axis can be renamed (by default this will be the name of the selected outcome).

Date Range

The system will only graph responses into that were taken within the selected date range (based on response date).

  • When selecting Current Month the interval will be in days.

  • When selecting Last Month to Date the interval will be in weeks.

  • When selecting Current Quarter to Date the interval will be in months.

  • When selecting Last Quarter to Date the interval will be in months.

  • When selecting This Year to Date the interval will be in months.

  • When selecting Last Year to Date the interval will be in quarters.

  • When selecting All Time the interval will be in quarters if the first data point is within 2 years. If the first data point is before 2 years it should display in years.

  • When selecting Custom the number of days, weeks, months or years can be configured.

Data Aggregation

  • By selecting to graph the average, the system will average all the responses for the selected outcome taken between the date intervals and plot the average at each date interval.

  • By selecting to graph the sum, the system will sum all responses for the selected outcome taken between the date intervals and plot the sum at each date interval.

  • By selecting to graph the max, the system will take the max data point (the highest number/value) for all responses for the selected outcome taken between the date intervals and plot this point at the date interval.

  • By selecting to graph the min, the system will take the min data point (the lowest number/value) for all responses for the selected outcome taken between the date intervals and plot this point at the date interval.

  • By selecting to graph the most recent, the system will take the most recent data point (based on response date) for all responses for the selected outcome taken between the date intervals and plot this point at the date interval.

  • By selecting to graph the oldest, the system will take the oldest data point (based on response date) for all responses for the selected outcome taken between the date intervals and plot this point at the date interval.

Effort to Outcome Analysis

This section allows users the ability to see the extent of the efforts that staff made and documented in the timeframe. The count of efforts will show in a hover message when a user moves over different points on the graph. Any combination of efforts, completed as a TouchPoint, can be associated with an identified outcome and will lead to aggregate data on the number of responses and total time spent. For example, a program looking to support service recipients to increase their income by providing both one-on-one financial counseling as well as course work on personal finances would configure the insight so that the TouchPoint associated with tracking the course work as well as the financial councilors progress notes. In doing so the Insight will then graph the growth on monthly income overtime and report on the total time and total interactions documented for both the personal financial class and the counseling sessions.

Sum of All Time Spent

All TouchPoints that have a time spent element are shown here. When a TouchPoint is selected that time spent will be included in the stats selected on the next tab (ETO Stats) and when hovering over specific points in the graph.

Count of All TouchPoint Responses

When a TouchPoint is selected the number of responses will be included in the stats selected on the next tab (ETO Stats) and when hovering over specific points in the graph.

ETO Stats

Up to 5 stats can be selected to show below the graph.

  • Number of Subjects With Change — count of subjects that have shown any sort of change in the date range (only for My Dashboard view)

  • Number of Subjects With an Increase — count of subjects that have shown any sort of increase in the date range (only for My Dashboard view)

  • Number of Subjects With a Decrease — count of subjects that have shown any sort of decrease in the date range (only for My Dashboard view)

  • Avg Increase/Decrease — average increase or decrease amount of change for a subject in the selected date range (only for My Dashboard view)

  • Total Increase/Decrease — total amount of increase or decrease in the selected date range (only for My Dashboard view)

  • Total Number of Increases/Decreases — total number of times there was an increase or decrease in the selected date range (only for My Dashboard view)

  • Total Time Spent (HH:MM) — sum of all time spent in the selected TouchPoints from the "Effort and Correlation" tab under the Sum All Time Spent list

  • % of Change — percentage of change for the outcome from the beginning of the selected reporting period to the end of the selected reporting period

  • % of Change for All Time — percentage of change for the outcome from the beginning of all time to the end of the selected reporting period

  • Number of Outcome Responses — total count of responses for the TouchPoint where the field containing the outcome was actually answered

Program and Site Filters

Selecting specific Programs and/or Sites tells the system to only graph TouchPoint responses that were taken within the selected Site(s) and/or Program(s). This filtering is ideal and helpful for Program or Site comparison reporting when looking at an ETO Insight Part on My Dashboard.

Other Options

Report Buttons

Ability to choose whether the ETO Insight Performance Report is displayed on the Dashboard Part. 

Chart Description

Provide staff with brief description to support the interpretation of the data and continue to drive intentionality of service delivery. Descriptions allow for rich text editing further supporting the end user.

Chart Colors

Ability to change colors for the Background of the chart, Text in the chart, the Lines/Bars in the graph, the Data Points, and the Grid lines for the graph. 

ETO Insight on a Dashboard

This is an ETO Insight built and display on specific Participant's Dashboard to see the change in a person's monthly income for all time (in this case 4 years of data). 

Adding to a Dashboard

To add an ETO Insight Part to a Dashboard, go to the specific Dashboard where the Part should be added. Click Edit Dashboard in the top right corner and click to Add ETO Parts and select ETO Insight from the ETO Parts Catalog. Once added to the Dashboard, select the appropriate Insight from the drop down.

ETO Insights can also be added to a Dashboard through Dashboard Templates

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