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Legacy | Add Reliable Contacts

#Legacy #View/Edit Reliable Contacts for ETO Participants

Updated over a week ago

Default User Role: Staff

Reliable Contacts are for capturing information on any individuals supporting a Participant, such as family members, friends, social workers, medical professionals, and probation officers. You can add multiple Reliable Contacts for any Participant using this feature.

Steps to Add/View/Edit Reliable Contacts

Step 1 – Manage Feeder Tables

  • Site Administrators can populate the Reliable Contact Relationships (ex: Parent, Significant Other, Parole Officer, etc.) and Reliable Contact Attributes (ex: Safe to pick up, Not safe to pick up, etc.) feeder tables. This is done on the Manage Feeder Tables page. Click "Edit" in blue to add or edit choices.

Step 2 – Adding Reliable Contacts

  • Only the "Name" field (in yellow) is required.

  • Check the "Emergency Contact" box to identify that this is a person to contact in event of an emergency.

  • The only way to customize this page is by populating the two Feeder Tables ("Relationship" and "Attribute").

  • Enter 10 digits for phone number and move to another field. The number will be auto-populated with parenthesis and a dash.

  • Multiple Reliable Contacts can be added, one at a time, for the selected Participant. However, the same Reliable Contact may not be attached to multiple Participants.

Step 3 – Navigation Bar > "Participants" > "View/Editing Reliable Contacts"

  • Search for the Participant for whom you added the Reliable Contact.

  • Select "GO" next to the name of the Participant.

If the Participant does not have a Reliable Contact, or it was not setup correctly, you will receive the following pop-up:

If the Participant's Reliable Contact was setup correctly, pressing "GO" will lead you to a page with the Reliable Contact's information.

  • Reliable Contacts can be edited or deleted. If a Participant has more than one Reliable Contact, the order can be changed on this page.

Note: Reliable Contacts appear on the Participant Profile and Participant Face Sheet standard reports. The Query Wizard also contains a focus area for Reliable Contacts data.

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