The Collection Dashboard displays general information about a Collection, including Collection members, information captured when the Collection is created, and TouchPoints that have been completed for the Collection. To access the Collection Dashboard, use the Quick Search bar, making sure to select the Collection Type from the drop-down menu.
Users can complete and edit available TouchPoints for the Collection. Users are also able to navigate to the Dashboards for individual Participants and Entities via links on the Collection Members ETO Part.
Default ETO Parts for Collection Dashboards
Collection Information
Collection Members
Recent TouchPoints
Click the Edit Dashboard button to rearrange the ETO Parts within the 5 available zones (top, left, middle, right, and bottom) or add additional parts.
Additional ETO Parts for Collection Dashboards
Click the "Add ETO Parts" button to access the catalog.
Check the box(es) for the desired part(s), determine the zone it should appear in from the drop-down menu, and click the Add button. Note that the same part can be added more than once. Each part can also be disabled, minimized, and the banner message can be edited once it is added. Click the Reset to Default button to return to the original configuration containing the ETO Parts listed above.