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Messages | Create a Message

#Enterprise Send a message to other ETO Users within your Enterprise.

Updated over a week ago

This feature facilitates secure communication between you and other ETO software Users. Any User can create a message, send it to one or more staff members, read a message, and view, delete, or print messages received.

Step 1 – On the quick tabs at the top, click "Messages".

Step 2 – To create a new message, click the Create Message button.

Depending on your User role, you may see multiple options:

  • "Send to One or More Staff Members" – Any User level

  • Send to entire Program – Any User level

  • "Send a Marquee Message" – Site Administrators and up

  • Enterprise Messaging – Enterprise Managers and up

"Send to One or More Staff Members"

Step 1 – To create a message to send to one or more staff members, click the first link. To send to all Users in the Program, click the second link.

Step 2 – Select the User or Users you want to send the message to. Then click the Submit button.

  • To select multiple Users, hold CTRL on your keyboard.

  • If you are sending to all Users in the Program, you will skip this step.

Step 3 – Select the date for the message.

Step 4 – Insert your message text. When done, click the Send Message button.

Step 5 – Click the OK button on the confirmation pop-up.

"Send a Marquee Message"

Note: Our 2018 UI updates removes the marquee movement from the marquee message. Marquee's will appear more like an dashboard message / announcement.

Note: Only plain text is permitted in the Marquee text box. HTML is not supported here.

Step 1 – Select the start and end dates between which you want the message to display.

Step 2 – Insert your message text.

Step 3 – When done, click the Send Message button.

  • Once created, a new "Update Marquee Message(s)" will appear.

Step 4 – Click on "Update Marquee Message(s)" to edit the marquee message.

Send an Enterprise-wide message

You will have a few options:

  • to One Site – Allows you to select the Site from a drop-down menu list of all Sites on your Enterprise.

  • to Many Sites – Allows you the select the Sites via checkboxes.

  • to All Sites – Sends to all Sites on your Enterprise.

Select what type(s) of Users you want to send the message to from the checkboxes:

  • Yourself

  • All Enterprise Managers – To any User with the User role of Enterprise Manager on either the Site(s) you selected in the previous step or all Sites.

  • All Site Administrators – To any User with the User role of Site Administrator on either the Site(s) you selected in the previous step or all Sites.

  • All Program Administrator s– To any User with the User role of Program Administrator on either the Site(s) you selected in the previous step or all Sites.

  • All Staff – To any User with the User role of Staff on either the Site(s) you selected in the previous step or all Sites.

  • Certain Staff – To selected Users with the User role of Staff on either the Site(s) you selected in the previous step or all Sites.

Select the date for the message and insert your message text. When done, click the Send Message button.

If you have messages, clicking on the Messages tab will display them. You can also click the Read Message button at the top of the page. You will then see the following options:

  1. Read Messages – Click this button to read your messages.

  2. Select All – Check this box to select all messages.

  3. Select – Check the box next to individual messages.

  4. From – Displays who the message is from and the message.

  5. Reply – Click this button to reply to the message.

  6. Date – The date the message was sent to you.

  7. Delete – Check the box next to the messages you want to delete and then click this button.

  8. Print All My Messages – Click on this box to print your messages.

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