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Data Objects in Audit Trail Folder

Audit, Identifier, Demographic #results

Updated over a week ago

Audit Trail Unique Identifier: A unique number representing a change event for a Participant's Demographics.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Number

Recorded By: Holds the name of the User (Staff) who completed the change.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Character

Audit Trail Audit Date: The date the change took place.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Date

Demographic Name: The name of a Demographic.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Character

Old Value: The previous value held by a particular Participant's Demographic field.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Character

New Value: The most recent value entered for a particular Participant's Demographic field.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Character

Site Unique Identifier: The Unique Identifier represents the Site in which the change took place.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Number

Program Unique Identifier: The Unique Identifier represents the Program in which the change took place.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Number

Custom Demographic Unique Identifier: The Unique Identifier representing the Custom Demographic (also known as the CDID).

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Number

Audit Staff Unique Identifier: Holds the Unique Identifier representing the User (Staff) who completed the change.

  • Object Type: Dimension

  • Class Path: Identity/Demographics/Audit Trail

  • Data Type: Number

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