Aggregate TouchPoint Report


Updated over a week ago

Create a simple Touchpoint Report to see the aggregation of TouchPoint responses per Site, per Program, per TouchPoint. 

Step 1 – Create a Report using the Universe titled, "Standard Touchpoint Universe NEW".

Step 2 – Match the following Query.

  • (Answer as Numeric is Optional)

Step 3 – Add a Count to the column titled, "Response Unique Identifier".

Step 4 – Add a Count to the column titled, "Answer as Attachment Name".

Step 5 – Set Site Name as a section.

  • Right click the Column > Section

Step 6 – Save As and save to "Public Folders" for the access of other Users.

Note: TouchPoint Security such as having "View Own" response security or Reporting Security such as "Enterprise / Site / Staff" Reporting Role may cause some Users to see fewer responses.

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